Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.

Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.
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Monday, November 14, 2011

Matthew 28, Mark 16

Jesus rises from the dead......this is the central point of our Christian faith.  This is so huge, it isn't even funny.   Jesus conquered DEATH...we WILL be resurrected, too...notice that Peter is mentioned by name in Mark's gospel.....you know that Peter was hating himself for betraying Jesus.....he did an unforgivable thing and Jesus forgave him because he knew Peter's heart, and just you wait to see the plans that Jesus has for Peter.

As we go forward, take note of who Jesus reveals himself to....there will be witnesses to this resurrection so that no one can refute it.

Jesus appears to Mary and to two believers traveling on the road...none of them believed it.  Jesus appears to the twelve and rebukes them for their lack of faith and their stubborn refusal to believe those who had seen him after he had risen.......remember even Peter and John had run to the tomb per John's account.....Jesus understands his followers and loves them, because they were not doubting to be faithless...they simply didn't get it.....the Holy Spirit was not in them yet to counsel them.

The Great Commission:

This is for everyone..not just the Jews...."to all creation" is to whom the message goes.  Great signs and wonders will witness the message, so that people may know it is from God.

Matthew's gospel talks about a great earthquake when Mary and Mary went to the tomb.....don't you think Mark would've noticed that????  I dunno, maybe it was like a sonic boom that some people feel and others don't :-)....in all the gospels, we see that the stone has rolled away from the grave....this is so people could see inside!  One thing I had never noticed was that Jesus tells the disciples to meet him in Galilee before he died....the disciples were so afraid of the political climate, that they didn't go...they stayed indoors and hidden.

Religious leaders were so afraid of Jesus' resurrection that they bribed soldiers to say that the disciples came and took Jesus' body in the night....God knew how this was all going to play out.....

We have a Great Commission from Matthew's account and I just love:

And surely I am with you always to the very end of the age......That's a promise, folks.....

Can you believe that tomorrow is the last day of reading the Gospels?  We are in the homestretch of reading the Bible in a year!

1 comment:

  1. I thought it was cool tht he went to mary first.......and like you....I love Matthew 28:20....I am with you always, even to the end of the age."
