Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.

Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.
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Monday, November 21, 2011

Acts 13-14

I think we need a little dose of Patricia from Jersey today:

Since reading Acts I am sure you have all been moved by the Holy Spirit to push the Gospel forward and talk to someone that does not know the way to Salvation about Jesus. (Ok, maybe maybe not, but I am praying you will)  So suppose someone said to you (or you said to yourself).  “what is the Bible about? How do you know Jesus is real? And How do  the Jews fit in and how do the rest of us fit in to the plan…oh and How do you get to Heaven”  DON”T fret! Just grab  your Bee Eye Bee Ell EE and read off Chapter 13!  It has it all.  The history of the Hebrews, Sin, The COVENANT,  Jesus, the Resurrection, The fulfillment of prophecy, the rejection from the  Jews and opening door for the Gentiles.  Yup, so tattoo the name Acts 13 in your brain for that moment when you don’t know what to say in that moment of evangelism that usually scares the bajeebees out of you.  Or just memorize 13:39!
Through him everyone who believes is justified from everything you could not be justified from by the law of Moses.  Acts 13:39.
OK, you ready?  Saul is now Paul.  Yeah!  A decade of learning for him has passed in our reading so far and he is with the Encourager Barnabas.  Barnabas was the Jewish Leader (converted) that first took Saul/Paul in after “seeing the light”.  Man I can spend a million years on this topic.  Be  a BARNABAS to someone new in the Word!  Look at the difference it makes…uhhhh PAUL!  Sorry…I sooo digress!   Let’s look at the journey this is sooo stinkin cool. 
In the Old Testament, God allowed the Hebrews to be captured and put into exile for 70 years (I think it was 70) Anyway, then the Persian leader Cyrus released them back to Jerusalem they scattered instead (called The Dispersion or Diaspora)  The temple being far from the scattered regions the Jews created synagogues to teach their children in.  It was not a replaced temple, just a place to learn and study.  People would come from far on the Sabbath and they would always ask the strangers visiting to speak…opening the door to Paul’s Ministry.  Are you seeing God’s Plan as this HUGE perfect Puzzle without a gap!
Look at this.  This map is just the FIRST MISSION TRIP!
They are in the south area of Galatia…see it?  Ummmm I am going to  guess we might be reading GALATIANS soon!
  Anyway, an incredible read.  I was completely convicted on what I may have done.  Do you realize that the men were thought to be Zeus the god himself!  The world is at their fingertips at that very moment.  WHat would you have done?  They could have said “Yes I am a god” Instead they continue on and get stoned to the point that they were assumed dead!  Man it must have been pretty bad.  And they stand up and say “NEXT!” Man I give up on the lost wayyyyy too fast.  Ugggggg I want to throw up.
Cliff note about the Zeus/Hermes part: 
In Greek mythology, it was common for the “gods” to come to earth in human form, though they did not always do so for the good of man. The people in Lystra had a legend that once Zeus and Hermes had visited their land disguised as mortals, and no one gave them any hospitality except for one older couple. In their anger at the people, Zeus and Hermes wiped out the whole population, except for the old couple. No wonder the people of Lystra were so quick to honor Paul and Barnabas!
Hermes was known as the messenger of the gods, so it made sense to the Lystrans that Paul (the more talkative one) would be Hermes.
“The crowd’s use of Lycaonian explains why Paul and Barnabas did not grasp what was afoot until the preparations to pay them divine homage were well advanced.”
Paul appeals to the crowd to recognize the true God instead of worshipping Paul and Barnabas

3 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by Penny on November 22, 2010 at 9:58 am
    Boy, oh, boy, isn’t Acts 13 incredible?! Yes, I’ll get another tattoo. :)
    Time for a question: Acts 13 explains that Paul went to a synagogue on the sabbath to speak to the Jewish people about the Word. I’m assuming that he spoke on the sabbath in a synagogue, not because he actually kept the sabbath, but because the same knuckleheads that wanted to crucify Christ were still keeping the sabbath b/c they didn’t understand the fulfillment of the law. Therefore, Paul knew where to find people that needed to hear the message. Is that right? See Acts 13:32.
    Glad Paul and Barnabas realized they were only men. I also like what Paul and Barnabas explained about God in Acts 14:16, “In the past, he let all nations go their own way. yet he has not left himself without testimony: He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; he provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy.” It’s true that God is so very patient!!!!
    Isn’t is cool that Paul was stoned yet did NOT die?
    Thanks for the heads up about Galatia. I was so wrapped up in other ideas that I would have completely and totally missed that.
    I’m thinking that Acts might be one of my favorite books. I’m learning way more about Psalms while reading Acts than I did when we read the Psalms.
  2. Ok, read Acts not from man’s eye but from God’s. What is God doing? (not man). The answer is Spreading the Gospel. The Covenant in Genesis 12 is for ALL nations. God is using his army (believers) to spread the Word of the Messiah. Example: Why did Stephen have to get stoned to death? It was horrible. BUT look at the ripple effect…it caused the scattering of the disciples. When we are scattered the WORD is being brought to the ends of the earth. So now let’s look at the synagogues. Created DURING the Hebrew captivity and then used after the Dispersion (Diaspora…otherwise known as the release of the captivity) How is God putting all the pieces together. He now has set up a vehicle (like we can use the internet) to spread the Truth. The Synagogues had a tradition of allowing the NEW SPEAKER in town to take the podium. Thus we saw Jesus there reading Isaiah and now God has instituted a way for His Disciples and Paul to Spread the Word. Synagogues were used in a mighty way, first to reach the lost Jews, then to be Churches to the believers.
    Acts might be your new favorite today but wait till you read some of the Letters…good grief! Galatians is going to knock your socks off this week.
  3. Posted by Erica on November 23, 2010 at 8:58 am
    I’m not sure I understand 13:39. What exactly could you not be justified from by the law of Moses?
    I’ve been playing catchup after a busy week last week and the girls retreat. I’m happy to finally read about Paul! I knew from sermons and small group discussions that he killed Christians but I never knew why. Now I do!


  1. Caught up....please read posts for all of Acts....had a few questions......

    Can;t believe Saul/Paul got stoned and lived through it.... why did he change his name?

  2. Good question..really don't know why he changed his name, but there is speculation that it is his new identity in Christ
