Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.

Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.
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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Matthew 26, Mark 4

From Patricia today:

The reading is very clear today so I actually am just going to open it for questions or discussions.  Here are a few things I pulled out that were note worthy to me this time reading it.
  • Passover (and the Feast of Unleavened Bread)  The Feast took place all week, it celebrated the exodus from Egypt.  They left in such hurry that the bread did not have time to rise.  So now they commemorate this freedom with unleavened bread.   The Passover is the first night of the feast.  It was a night to remember the final plague that struck the Egyptians of the first-born child.  If the Hebrew families sacrificed a perfect lamb and put the blood on the doorpost, the angel of death would not come and kill their first-born.  He would Pass Over the house.  That is when they left Egypts’ slavery. (Exodus 12)
  • Judas Iscariot: he was a money lover wasn’t he.  We see that with the woman pouring the expensive perfume on Jesus’s feet.  He didn’t care about the poor…he thought about the money!  Anyway, 30 silver coins.  The same price it cost in Exodus to release a slave.  See the point.  It cost 30 shekels of silver to release our slavery to sin. (Exodus 21)
  • Also,  look at Zec 11:12, the Shepard that was paid a measly 30 silver coins, an insult for how much a shepherd does.  Here too, for Judas, turning our Messiah over for a measly 30 coins.
  • So here we see the Last Supper, some call it the Eucharist, and some communion.   All very fitting terms.  The Last Supper is the remembrance of the last Passover, Eucharist is a term of Thanks and Communion that is what we do with the Lord when we take it.  PLEASE remember WHY it is remembered. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.”
  • If you have not read the Old Testament, I urge you to.   The reason I say this is because we must fully understand the entire picture for our foundation of faith and to be able to properly bring the message forward to others.  Mt 26:54 But how then would the Scriptures be fulfilled that say it must happen in this way?”
For me the biggest thing that caught my eye was the trial process.  I remember when reading the law all the key points to a fair trial and I wish I had kept notes on it.  Jesus here is brought to 2 trials.   The first was the Sanhedrin.  See, the Hebrews (now called Jewish after the exile) were released and kind of left alone to rule their own government.  The Sanhedrin was the ruling council that would hear such civil cases.  Now,  as far as the death penalty goes,  they were not allowed to carry out the death penalty without the Roman’s Governor’s consent. (Hmmmm who is the Roman Governor, we have not met him yet but I am sure you know his name).  So the first trial which happened during the night (not supposed to occur after sundown).  You see Mark 14:57 (read it closely!) the chief priests and the Sanhedrin looking for false evidence against Jesus SO THAT they could bring him in front of the Romans.  Well 2 men came forward and declared that Jesus said “ I WILL destroy this man made temple and in three days will build another”  DID HE SAY THAT??  NO!  Go back… 
Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.” John 2:19
The evidence was false.  He was speaking of Himself as the temple.  He never said He would destroy it.  It says even their testimony did not agree (In Mark).  What?? What happened to the law.  After all this is the Sanhedrin right? The ones that have a law around the law around the law!  Deuteronomy 19:15
One witness is not enough to convict a man accused of any crime or offense he may have committed. A matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.  Deut 19:15…GO UNDERLINE THAT IN YOUR OLD TESTAMENT


  1. I was about to get confused....I read Mark 4....thought to myself..."this doesn't fit with what we are reading and i think I have already read this....." looked it up and it is Mar 14. typo ......lol......I just wonder why Mark chose to put in the part about the naked man? kinda weird.....

    Poor Peter....I bet he felt horrible when he heard the rooster crow and realize what he had done....

  2. too funny...good catch...I guess that wouldn't fit~ My study Bible says that tradition says that the naked man was John Mark himself. Would you put yourself naked in a writing? Maybe somehow he just needed to mark that he was there and witnessed all this.
