Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.

Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.
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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Luke 18:15-19:48

Our Dr. Luke gives his version of Jesus blessing the little children, Jesus speaking to the rich young man...and Bonnie, your comment about wondering whether you could give up EVERYTHING is exactly what I wondered about myself.  We are so comfortable with some things and we know that God can provide better for us, but WOW, major struggle between our fleshly selves and our spiritual side.  Dr. Luke also gives his version of Jesus predicting his death the third time and Jesus healilng the blind beggar. We have 3 different perspectives, yet some of these lessons have been repeated in the Bible 3 times.....what should we do if things are repeated?

Dr. Luke introduces us to Zacchaeus....I can remember singing that song in Sunday School:  Zacchaeus was a wee little man, and a wee little man was he....something something up a sycamore tree......does anyone remember those words?    
Zacchaeus was universally hated as a tax collector...he was a jew collecting taxes for the Roman goverment and Zacchaeus cheated people.   Jesus really reached this sinner and Zacchaeus gave half his possessions to the poor and gave back 4 times as much to the people he cheated.  Zacchaeus showed his faith with changed behavior.

The parable of the King's servant shows what Jesus' followers should do during the time between Jesus' departure and His second coming....which servant represents you?  

Jesus fulfills prophecy by riding into Jerusalem as a king......he is one week from crucifiction.  If the people had really recognized Him, they would have seen Jesus bring peace.....scripture says that it is now hidden from the non-believers eyes.  Remember, this is all part of the plan and we will see Scripture in Romans that shows that God is not done with the Jews.

Jesus clears the temple again, as we have read in other accounts.

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited.....I remember the story of the minas from when Andy Andrews spoke at church about the talents.......
