Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.

Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.
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Friday, November 11, 2011

John 14-17

This reading today teaches so much....we find one of the most basic and important passages in Scripture:

I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me. Jesus is teaching about the triune God...Jesus is God.  God is Jesus.  If you have seen Jesus in his incarnate (flesh/man) form, you have seen God.  You have to believe in Jesus to get to God.  The Holy Spirit is going to come.  The Holy Spirit has always been around, but at Pentecost (which will come after Jesus ascends), the Holy Spirit will be the one form of God that Jesus sends to all believers.  The Holy Spirit is the Counselor to us...He helps teach Scripture to us and interpret the living word.

Jesus teaches about the vine and the branches...you don't want to be pruned by getting cut off from Jesus...but you do want to be pruned (discipline) if it makes you more fruitful.  The world just doesn't get it.  The world thinks all this is stupid because they have not accepted Jesus and can't see with spiritual eyes.  The Holy Spirit that comes to believers, guides us into all truth.  I love how Jesus teaches about using His name in prayer...His name is not some type of good luck charm to make things happen...we have a new relationship with God in that we can go to him directly.  Jesus has assumed the High Priest role..He intercedes for us now at the right hand of God....The disciples believed all Jesus had told them.....they had no idea how much more they would understand when the Holy Spirit helped them.  The Holy Spirit could not come to them until Jesus ascended.

In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world.

Chapter 17 is called Jesus' High Priestly prayer.  He prayed for himself, His disciples and for future believers..yep, that's us, folks....in 17:3, He tells how to get eternal life

Now this is eternal life:  that they may know you, the only true God and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent....this is HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE

He prays for unity in verse 23...this is our job, and how we show the world that God sent Jesus.   Jesus prays for protection from the devil while we are in the world.....how does that make you feel?

1 comment:

  1. there was alot in this today.....Jesus is finishing up his business and getting ready for his death......powerful reading as he prays for himself and the disciples and believers......My Bible has a page about the Holy Spirit.....says HS is a guide, not controller, for us......we are responsible for our words and actions....but it will guide us.....and never speaks on his own, but from the words of the Father....
