Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.

Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.
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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Mark 13

This thirteen chapter of Mark is often called the Olivet Discourse.

Jesus tells about the future...a disciple admires the temple...this is not the temple that burned when Babylonia took over..it is the one that Ezra rebuilt...Now in Jesus day, Herod built on to it..this was to appease the Jews whom he ruled over.  This was an incredibly gorgeous building the disciple was admiring and Jesus says that not one stone will be left standing in the future.  This indeed happened when the Romans destroyed it and all of Jerusalem in 70AD...

the disciples want to know more about when these things are going to happen...For sure Jesus will return in the clouds and everyone will know that it is Jesus...if you have to ask if it is him, it isn't.   There will be persecution of the Christians...we saw a lot of it with Jesus followers.  In our times today, we aren't really in a persecuted area to understand what this is like...but if you follow the news, you know that this is still happening.

Jesus wasn't talking about all this for us to try and guess when the end times were coming.  Jesus' point was that we need to be ready and live right.  Note in verse 32 that Jesus in his human form did not know when he was coming back.  Jesus gave up his divine power to be humbled in human form.

If you have time, here is the man pictured above with his model of Herod's temple..it is an article about how extensive this model is and how he won't be around to finish it.http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1155962/Pensioner-spends-30-years-building-amazing-model-Herods-Temple---admits-wont-finish-it.html



  1. I thought it was kinda neat that jesus did not even know when he would return....only God...

    And the story .....if you know you are watching a house and dervants for someone but do not know when he will return, you have to always make sure you are doing what you should be doing.....not doing what you want to do and then act right once he returns.....kinda like trusting a teenager watch the house while you go out of town.....teenager should not have parties thinking parent will not be home until Sunday and parent shows up on Saturday.....we should do right ALL the time....not when we think IS the time....

  2. The example of the teen-ager is perfect! Doing our own thing, challenging the rules that are good for us to do things our own way..bargaining that we'll have everything in order when the parents return...and then the parents suprise us!
