Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.

Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.
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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Acts 17-18:18

And they traveled to Thessalonica....wonder what two books in the Bible are going to come from this?  And Paul went to reason with the Thessalonians in the synagogue...the Jews got all bent out of shape and formed a mob (reasonable little group aren't they?) and Paul and Silas were thrown in jail.  Jason, whom we don't know much about, posted bond for them.  I suspect he was their host.

They moved on to Berea.....I love this group because they were "of more noble character than the Thessalonians"  and they examined the Scripture every day to see if what Paul said was true.   THIS IS WHAT WE ARE SUPPOSED TO DO.......THIS IS WHY IT IS SO VERY GOOD THAT YOU ARE READING YOUR BIBLE TO GET ACQUAINTED WITH WERE THINGS ARE AND WHAT GOD'S PROMISES ARE!!!

Paul moves on to Athens and found a city full of idols.  He used a very reasoned approach with the Epicurean :(if it feels good do it) and the Stoic (all about harmony with nature and reason) philosophers.  Paul built a case for the one true God.  I love the part that says (God)  "determined the times set for them and the exact places they should live"  This is us!   We are where God wants us to be....and he centered on the resurrection......he was told, "We want to hear you again on this subject" and some followed Paul

Paul moves to Corinth where he met Aguila and Priscilla who were tent makers like Paul, by occupation.  God had equipped Paul so that he could earn money when he needed to.  Silas and Timothy came from Macedonia and Paul began to preach again.....The Jews still opposed Paul and Paul dismissed them and moved on to the Gentiles (yay!).  The Lord appeared to Paul in a vision and told Paul to continue with the mission...

Just a reminder that Luke, our Gentile doctor is the author of the book of Acts.

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