Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.

Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.
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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

1 Corinthians 5-8

Paul addresses disorder in the church and tells them to expel the immoral brother.  Flagrant and repeated sin is what is being addressed.  To "hand this man over to Satan" mean to exclude him from the fellowship of believers.   Without the spiritual support of Christians, this man would be left alone with his sin and Satan, and perhaps this emptiness would drive him to repentance.    "That the sinful nature may be destroyed" states the hope that the experience would bring him to God to destroy his sinful nature through repentance.  Paul really doesn't want anyone to perish, but to see the light.

Paul didn't think that there should be lawsuits among believers.  Why should a non-Christian person, judge a Christian relationship.  Disagreeing Christians should not have to go to a secular court to resolve their differences..why should we turn to those who lack God's wisdom?

In verses 6:9-11, Paul is describing characteristics of unbelievers.  He doesn't mean that idolaters, adulterers, male prostitutes, homosexuals, thieves, greedy people, drunkards, slanderers or swindlers are automatically and irrevocably excluded from heaven....Christians that persist in these kinds of practices with no sign of remorse will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Our bodies belong to God...we don't have the right to do with them whatever we please because Jesus bought us back for a price (redeemed)...According to my study Bible, Christ's death freed us from sin, but also obligates us to his service.

Paul then gives instruction on Christian marriage...basically, it is OK to be single like Paul is.   But if you are going to "burn" with lust, get married and contain it within a marriage relationship    Paul urges believers not to regard marriage, home or financial security as the ultimate goals of life....the burdens of this world keep us from doing God's work.

Paul talks about Christian freedom....we should not use our freedom to make a brother stumble.


  1. I know I am late on this....but I have a question....In 6:9 .....where is says the "neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, not extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God." what about people who are saved, who have been baptized, who do believe in God....but do these things. Will they be allowed in Heaven? I am mainly questioning the homosexuality.....I know someone who is gay, and does believe in God, was raised in the church...knows the Bible....but is gay..I have wondered if this person would be forgiven for this sin, or is this one that can stop you from entering? I don't think this person goes to church now......

  2. Great question...churches are so divided about this issue. I have friends that are homosexual. I have been taught to love the people and not the sin.
    The Bible says it is a sin in both the New and Old Testament. Some say the Bible speaks of practicing homosexuality, and if you are gay and not practicing it is OK....the Greek verb talks about people who have not repented...it is "continuous practicing".....I really don't have the answer, and I know that it is dividing our very own Conference right now.

  3. As a teacher, I have seen a few ( and I mean a VERY few) children that I would be my house were gay. Now these are YOUNG children.....8-10 years old. One in particular comes to mind....a boy.....his mannerisms and speech....everything indicated he was gay. But he was too young to even understand this. this makes me think it may be something born in him......that maybe some of these people honestly can't help it. I think for many it is just an act of rebellion or perverted way of life.....I don't know and honestly can't understand it.....but I do know of some that ARE Christians....who go to church....good people....except this little matter......
