Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.

Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.
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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Luke 22-John 13

.....Patricia puts it so well in her blog for today:

Luke, definitely written towards the Greeks having Jesus as the perfect model for a man.  Shows His perfect character, humanity’s highest ideals, and the perfect lamb.  (By the way in this book,  Peter is referred to as Simon.)
I stopped hard on Luke 22:20.  THIS is the NEW COVENANT.  After reading for 10 months about Covenant to the Jewish nation we FINALLY read about the NEW COVENANT!  THIS is the new Covenant poured out for you. 
What is??
Then I skip to verse 37 “It is written….is reaching its fulfillment.”.  For those who have read with me for 10.5 months we are at the complete and total fulfillment it the Covenant.
TO be completely honest with you I feel like I am almost reading this for the first time.  I have this picture that angry bad men are the ones that capture Jesus.  (well they are) but look closely, it is the falsely religious that take him in.  His own chosen, the high priest servant, the scribes, the chief priests and the temple guards. and he says “this is the hour-when darkness reigns”
Then Luke 22 ends with the final words that Jesus chooses to PUT HIMSELF on the Cross.  The words used to Moses, “You are right in saying I AM”.  A phrase that would be used against him for the death penalty, of blasphemy. (Levitical Law)
When we read John,  my heart beats so fast.  The way Jesus is described is just incredible. It starts with the overall message of what Jesus is…”he now showed them the full extent of his love”.  People ask me all the time “Why did Jesus had to die such a BRUTAL death, and there are lots of reasons but one of them is TO SHOW HOW MUCH HE LOVES US.  If you are a parent you understand this.  You would take that beating for your children.  THAT is how much he loves us.
Finally, one of the most touching moments Jesus has (for me) in all the Gospel…  Upon the arguing disciples of “who is the greatest among themselves.  (Ummmm I could talk about this all day)  Jesus shows them real humility: Jesus washes the feet of the disciples, even Judas Iscariot.  If you are ever trying to figure out WHAT  the Lord wants from you…don’t think too hard.
I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.
This is personal to me today as I sit with woman at a Conference and hear them say (or whine) “I want to be the hands and feet of Jesus I just don’t know where or what I should do…..I say with Love but good grief!!  Stop Kingdom building and try washing some feet (hello mirror I am talking to you).

5 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by Tedi on November 10, 2010 at 2:56 pm
    God told Moses that he is ‘I AM’ That was what the Jewish people called God. When Jesus said
    “You are right in saying I AM”, he was answering them…yes…I AM God!
  2. In answer to yesterday’s question, some of the laws are in the bible and some are just the laws of the day documented in other legal bindings but here is the Judicial Laws of the day of Jesus Trial
    Consider all of their violations of Jewish law:
    •Trial at night: No trials were to be held in the secrecy of night.
    •No night convictions were allowed. However, the Sanhedrin will convict Him this very night.
    •Sentences could not be decreed until the next day. This was to give a chance for mercy to be extended to the convicted.
    •The defendant could not be asked to incriminate himself. This is the same as our fifth amendment.
    •The trial was required to be held in the hall of stones in the temple complex, not in the members of the Sanhedrin’s homes.
    •Trials could not be held during the feast days.
    •All witnesses had to agree at the trial. Remember that it is the middle of the night. Where would the Sanhedrin get reasonable witnesses at this hour?
    •The judge could not act as the prosecutor. That is exactly what the high priest did–act as prosecutor instead of judge.
    •The condemned was to have someone testify on his behalf. This right was not afforded to Jesus.
  3. Posted by peggy on November 10, 2010 at 8:29 pm
    Every detail is laid out. all the events happened one after the other. they had to happen that way no matter how hard it is for us to understand..the purpose had to be fulfilled step by step..
  4. Posted by cindy on November 11, 2010 at 6:31 am
    And Iget frustrated in my own life when rules get broken by others and there seems to be “success” on their part. Wow – they really broke the rules!
  5. Posted by Penny on November 11, 2010 at 8:45 am
    Does it get any better than today’s reading?! Wow! I can hardly take it all in. I love the way each gospel is customized for a particular audience. While I’m reading Luke I think, “Luke is my favorite.” Then I get to John and say the same thing about John.
    Don’t you all love the ‘new commandment’ that Jesus gave?
    One question: See Luke 22:30 that says, “so that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom and sit on thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.” What does it mean to judge the 12 tribes of Israel?

1 comment:

  1. Here is the foot washing.....I love this! Reminded me of our group that nite....
