Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.

Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.
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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Luke 23; John 18-19

I love Scripture where it dead out says:  "This fulfills what is written in...."  I have a highlighter that I cross reference with and it is going to be so cool to look at that when I start doing this again next year.   I sincerely hope I'll be able to remember some of these details.   I know that since it is the Living Word, that God will use his own highlighter on us to teach us something he has targeted for us.   Our job is to remain teachable and to be equipped to share this Gospel....I had to give you Patricia's blog, Bonnie, because this is only her second time reading this and I imagine that you will connect with it...your questions are soooo awesome.....
Oh, one last thing, when Jesus says, "It is finished", the same word means, "Paid in full"....dang if I didn't get chills on that one, and it reminded me of a song I like at the 8:30 service where we sing, "Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe."   And it struck one of Patricia's readers and she has the lyrics below.

Luke and John.  Luke will write in detail because it is the nature of Luke to do so, being a physician and all.  John on the other hand,  was THERE (at the Cross)  and will write according to his eye-witness account so it will be graphic .  But what you can gather from both was there were Stages of Jesus’s trial.
  • Preliminary hearing by Annas.  why?? Annas was the Prior  High Priest.  High priests were supposed to hold the position for life but Annas was replaced in 15 A.D. instead.  The Roman’s appointed Annas’s son-in-law into that position named Caiaphas.  remember him?  When Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead he said “uhhhhh I think it is time for Jesus to go! he is getting way to politically powerful”.  Annas, according to the Jews,  was still considered the “official” high priest because of law AND the Jewish council also probably considered him in the “Good Ole Boy” club…know what I mean.  BUT Annas was smart enough to pass it on to Caiaphas…..
  • Caiaphas.  Still this pre-trial was done at night.   This was yesterday’s reading in Matthew 25:57 when Caiaphas charges him with blasphemy without the proper witnesses and sends him to the Roman Governor Pilot to carry out the death sentence.
  • Pilate (Luke 23).  They changed the crime in front of Pilate and declared that Jesus called himself a King, King of the Jews.  This would be treason and against Caesar.  However, Pilot found him not guilty and sent him to Herod.  Who is Herod again??
  • Herod.  Still have your Herod Family Tree handout?  This Herod is Antipas, the same one that killed John the Baptist.  Herod was in Jerusalem for the Passover.  He was in charge of  Galilee and Perea.  So Pilot sent him to Herod since Jesus was from Galilee.  The Herod brother who should have been in place to rule Judea was removed years ago from position (Pilot governed instead) so Pilot sent Jesus to Antipas.  Herod may have been a drunk fool but he was not idiot…he sent Jesus away too.
  • Back to Pilate.  Pilate tried but eventually hands him over to be crucified.
I guess for me it was the layering of the NT on top of the OT.  Maybe it’s because it is my first time reading all of it together but I love the BIG picture.  I loved figuring out things like the Jews could not enter Pilate’s house because he was a Gentile and they would have been ceremonially unclean.  Or the RUSH to get Jesus off the cross because the sun was setting and you cannot work past sundown….small things like that AWE me!
Finally, how awesome was it to see our seeking friend Nicodemus be so bold now in his Faith.  WOW.  He went from sneaking in the night to caring for his public body.
Some of you know this is my second time ONLY  reading the Gospel and I am granted an opportunity to dig a little deeper.  One of the cool reveals this year was Luke 23:43 “Today you will be with me in Paradise”.  The Greek word is Paradeisos.  This word is used several times in the original scriptures.  First, referring to the Garden of Eden! (11 times in the OT)   Then here in Luke and in 2 Corinthians 12 but finally in Revelation!  Revelation 2:7 
 Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.
That is where this sinner went…on his profession of faith of Jesus being Lord!!! Can I get an AMEN!
I know we looked at Isaiah 53 yesterday but note that when Jesus calls out in “Father into your hands I intrust my Spirit and breathed his LAST breath he was speaking a fulfillment of Isiah 53:12!
I just cannot handle all this!

3 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by Anonymous on November 13, 2010 at 11:06 am
    Amazing Love—
    “I’m forgiven because You were forsaken
    I’m accepted, You were condemned
    I’m alive and well, Your Spirit is within me
    Because You died and rose again
    Amazing love, how can it be
    That You, my King, should die for me?
    Amazing love, I know it’s true
    It’s my joy to honor You
    In all I do, to honor You
    You are my King
    You are my King
    Jesus, You are my King
    You are my King”
    …..This song kept playing in my head after the reading today…so I thought I would
    share it.
  2. Posted by peggy on November 13, 2010 at 9:58 pm
    Yes what a great song Jeanie !!
    Father, into your hands I entrust my Spirit…..AWE ………………
  3. Posted by Helen on November 14, 2010 at 10:06 pm
    We sang this at Church today. How appropriate for todays read! There has been so much for the past few days…Reading what JESUS said has really spoken to me this time. No mattter how many times I read it, it always appears fresh and new……..and WHAT A BLESSING to know that JESUS prayed for us…I keep going back to John 17:20. Thank you Erica for pointing that out. Also gotta say that I loved the passage where Jesus tells the thief on the cross , “Today, I will be with you in Paradise. Folks, he is taking to us…What a promise we have to be in Heaven with our Lord and Savior!
    Jesus paid it all,
    All to Him I owe;
    Sin had left a crimson stain,
    He washed it white as snow.
    For nothing good have I
    Whereby Thy grace to claim;
    I’ll wash my garments white
    In the blood of Calv’ry’s Lamb.
    And now complete in Him,
    My robe, His righteousness,
    Close sheltered ’neath His side,
    I am divinely blest.
    Lord, now indeed I find
    Thy pow’r, and Thine alone,
    Can change the leper’s spots
    And melt the heart of stone.
    When from my dying bed
    My ransomed soul shall rise,
    “Jesus died my soul to save,”
    Shall rend the vaulted skies.
    And when before the throne
    I stand in Him complete,
    I’ll lay my trophies down,
    All down at Jesus’ feet.


  1. Question....I have noticed in two or three of the gospels that they say "They divided My garments among them, And for My clothing they cast lots." Was this written in Old Testament somewhere?

    Also was this the same for John 19:36 "...Not one of His bones shall be broken." AND 37 "...they shall look on Him whom they pierced."

    Now I kinda got grossed out when they pierced him with sword when he was already dead to let blood drain out.....I mean....what was point in all that? Sick and cruel people.

    This is the first time I notice his mom was there.....imagine how she felt.....

    And you were right....here is where we read about the criminal being told by Jesus that He would see him in heaven......cool....

  2. I am weeping with joy at the wonderful questions you are asking!!!! LOL....

    Check out Psalm 22:18 for dividing the clothes by lots...it indeed fulfilled scripture.

    Jesus was the Passover Lamb...the perfect sacrifice..Jesus died as the lambs for the Passover meal were being slain. Not a bone was to be broken in these sacrificial lambs (Ex 12:46; Num 9:12 and Psa 34:20)....and as far as They will look on the one they have pierced...check out Zec 12:10.

    The Romans were experienced soldiers. They knew from many previous crucifixions whether a man was dead or alive. There was no question that Jesus was dead when they checked him, so they decided not to break his legs as they had done to the other victims. Piercing his side and seeing the sudden flow of blood and water (indicating that the sac surrounding the heart and the heart itself had been pierced) was further proof of his death. Some people say Jesus didn't really die, that he only passed out out-and that's how he came back to life. But we have the witness of an impartial party, the Roman soldiers that Jesus died on the cross.
