Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.

Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.
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Monday, October 10, 2011

Matthew 5-7

This is the Sermon on the Mount.   These are also called the Beatitudes.  This is the longest recorded sermon...Jesus is talking to the disciples and the others are listening in.  Jesus teaches about many things and He is the new covenant.   You cannot save yourself by the law.  We can't just "act better" because we want to.  We don't have the power to do it. The only way we can improve (work towards perfection or completeness) is to surrender to God and our flesh doesn't like it.  Self sufficiency vs. God sufficiency.  Jesus teaches about many things....what really stuck out to me is that Jesus is the only way to God.  The "gate" is narrow.  You can only get to God via Jesus.   If you don't believe that Jesus is the son of God and that He died and rose again from the dead to save us from sin, you don't get to God.  This is one of those non-negotiables.  What  was the most significant teaching to you?


  1. Here are the blessings again.....like this....I need to remember where these are so I can go back and read again.....

    Question: where he is talking about divorce, it looks to me like he is saying that other than adultery, there is no reason for divorce....what do you get from this? 5:32

    YEA.....the Lord's Prayer.....now I know where it is.....too cool!!

    and here it is again about worrying.....I definitely need to mark this section to read over and over....but it is so comforting to read....to know that my worries are taken care of.....i just have to remember that when I start to worry...

    Ok....read it all......this is one to mark for future reading over and over and over.....strong message in this reading!!

  2. God definitely hates divorce. He wanted people to go into it as a covenant. Jesus was specifically attacking the men because they were abusing the marriage contract using divorce to satisfy their lustful desire to marry someone else. Remember that women in that day were considered property and had essentially no rights in that culture.
