Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.

Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.
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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Luke 17:11-18:14

Jesus heals 10 men with Leprosy and only one thanks him...what does this say to you?

Jesus teaches about the coming of the kingdom of God....there will be no warning when Jesus comes back...the Pharisees were trying to figure out the signs.  When Jesus comes, everyone will know that it is Jesus.....he will come suddenly and there will be no second chances.  The vulture verse seemed random to me, but apparently it was a proverb...one vulture circling overhead does not mean much, but a gathering of vultures means that a dead body is nearby.  Likewise, one sign of the end may not be significant, but when many signs occur, the second coming is near.  So, we may know we are approaching end times, but no one knows the exact moment Jesus is going to come back....this is why men can't predict...remember that older man who had the whole end time thing be calculated out.  His following sold all their possessions because they had listened to their leader......I just don't understand these things, because it is quite clear in scripture that we can't count down the time that Jesus is coming!  I guess that is why we have fortune tellers and tarot cards and things of that nature....

Jesus talks about persistent prayer illustrated through the parable of the persistent widow.....he tells a parable about two men who prayed.   If you are confident in your righteousness, you better watch out.  If you feel less than humble, let that be a warning to you and me!!!


  1. Catching up....this is reading of Luke 16-18:14

    17:4 is a good one to live by.... just because someone does something wrong, we can still be gracious as the offended. We should forgive just as Christ forgave us.....Sometimes that is easier said than done, but I'm working on it.

    yea....the other 9.....I wonder how they thought they were healed?

    kinda scary sounding in 17:29-30....sounds like on the day that He returns, it will rain fire and all destroyed.....YIKES>>>

    OK....need help....could you explain the thing with the widow......not getting it...

  2. The widow is persistent...Jesus is relating this to persistent prayer. First, Luke is concerned about widows because they have no place or income in that society. Her persistent begging to receive justice from an uncaring judge is eventually rewarded. How much more will God, the ultimate source of all justice, answer when we pray for justice...The Wesleyan optimism of grace should impel those with the Wesleyan tradition (us Methodists) to pray for justice and never to lose heart, because God can be trusted to establish justice if we persist in prayer. When Christ returns, will he find those who still have faith in the justice of God or will he only find those who have surrendered to the false notion of the unrelenting reign of injustice on earth.....that is from my NSRV Bible....I liked it.
