Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.

Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.
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Thursday, October 6, 2011

John 2-4

Lots and lots in this reading.  Jesus performs His first miracle in Cana at the wedding feast by turning water into wine.  Major question:  who knew that Jesus did this?

Then, they go to the temple and you have a marketplace in Jesus' Father's house.   Jesus doesn't lose his temper, but He shows righteous indignation.  The temple was not meant for a marketplace.   People were selling "perfect" animals and telling the people that the sacrifices they brought weren't good enough (if the people could afford to bring them in the first place).  Jesus makes his "famous" comment that he would raise the temple again in 3 days.   Do you think He meant the brick and mortar?  No, this was a foreshadowing of His death and resurrection.  Most people just didn't "get it".

Chapter 3-Nicodemus comes to see Jesus in the night.  Why did he come in the night?  Hint:  what religious sect was he from?  This is where Jesus first talks about being "born again".  Everyone has a first birth from their mother.  But you must be born again with the Holy Spirit.  What does this mean to you?

One of the most critical verses in the Bible is John 3:16:

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.

This is a major Christian non-negotiable.   You have to believe.  This IS a SAVING issue.

John the Baptist baptises with water...this is a baptism that is for repentance.  He is paving the way for the One who really can save.  Jesus baptises with fire and the Holy Spirit......these are two very different things.

The Woman at the Well takes place in Samaria.  Samarians were hated.  These were older Jewish people that married outsiders and weren't claimed by either side.   Not only did God approach a woman, but He approached a Samarian to show that the Gospel was for everyone, not just the children of Abraham.  Jesus shows some "God like" characterstics....He knew how many husbands she had had and who she was living with at the moment.  What do you think she felt like after that?  Many Samaritans then believed.

Jesus proceded to  move on and heal an official's son when He was back in Cana in Galilee...this was the second miracle that Jesus performed.   Jesus didn't even have to be in the child's presence to heal him.  As soon as the words left His mouth, the child got better.   This miracle caused this household of Gentiles (not Jews) to believe.

1 comment:

  1. OK>...confused on 2:22 "There, when He had risen from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this to them; and they believed the Scripture and the word which Jesus had said."
    How could John right this now if Jesus hasn't died yet? I know Jesus would know, but how could John, the author of the book?

    Ok....just read your post.....What does it mean to be born again to you? I felt like I could relate to Nicodemus in the way that I was late in getting to know God and Jesus and still have a long way to go.....but reading that was very comforting for me.....

    And I saw you asked about that woman and how she felt that Jesus knew how many husbands she had.........yea....a bit of an awkward moment I bet.....

    Loving this New Testament.......

    OK..when he is talking to the woman at the well.....can you just imagine her face when Jesus said, "I who speak to you is He".....when she said that when the Messiah oomes, He would tell everyone things...

    I love the conversation Jesus has with Nicodemus.......can you be born again if you are old and Jesus tells him you have to be born again in the spirit. And I knew John 3:16, but what follows is just as beautiful John 3 16-21.
