Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.

Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.
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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Matthew 2, Luke 2: 39-52

Patricia covers Jury Duty once again:

Wow.  You can really feel the difference between the authors God chose.  Matthew clearly writes straight from the OT scriptures.  He quotes directly from the Prophets of Micah, Isaiah, Hosea and Jeremiah. I would RATHER you forgo the Blog and instead every time it says “As a Prophet wrote” or “As it is written” look up the original text by cross referencing.  If you do not know how to do that, e-mail me and I will write you backPszyman@comcast.net
Let’s talk about the Magi, or as we like to call them the Wise men.  How many were there? Not sure, but you can count on the fact that whether their were 3 or 30 they traveled in a large entourage, so don’t let the Jesus movies fool you.  You read that the Magi had direct contact with Herod, even though Herod lied to them and said “bring him here I will worship him” yeah right! He’s crazy and we know he would have killed Jesus if found.  Herod considered himself King to the Jews.  Anyway, some time within the first few years of Jesus’ life the Magi greeted Him and brought him 3 gifts:
  1. Gold: for royalty, Jesus is King.
  2. Incense: symbolic of Prayers of the High Priest rising up tp Heaven. (Jesus is the High Priest)
  3. Myrrh: a burial oil, a foreshadow of His death.
How did they know how to find Jesus?  Any of the Old Testament readers remember the story of Balaam and the talking Donkey ?(one of my favorites!) This visit was prophesied through the oracle given to Balaam the Sorcerer.  Numbers 24. (start in 22)
“I see him, but not now;
       I behold him, but not near.
       A star will come out of Jacob;
       a scepter will rise out of Israel.
       He will crush the foreheads of Moab,
       the skulls  of all the sons of Sheth. Nu 24:17 
By the way, I see Herod dies but I wanted you to have the family tree to see who takes his place…uhhh more Herod’s.  Herod Family for Print click here.  The one named in this Chapter is Achelaus.
Luke 2:39-52.  The Jews were required to visit the Temple in Jerusalem 3 times.   The Passover was the most important pilgrimage.  The Passover was a remembrance of the Exodus out of Egypt when the Angel of Death in the last plague “passed over” the homes with the sacrificed animal blood and spared the first borns of the Jews.  The reason to note this is because when Jesus stayed at “His Father’s House” He was to be sitting learning from the top teachers, Rabbis’ in the land for they would be visiting too.
Since we are reading this chronologically did any of you write in your Bible, “Jesus first written Words in the Bible” next to:
“Didn’t you know I would be in my Father’s House?”
Here are some words I circled in Matthew
  • Jerusalem (it means Heritage of Peace) vs 2
  • Disturbed, )Ummm I told you as long as things stay QUIET the Jews can rule themselves) vs 3
  • Look at Matthew 2:15 and then Hosea 11:1
  • Matthew 2:6 then Micah 5:2
  • Archelaus (they avoided him because he just killed 3000 Pharisees) vs22
  • Nazareth (means The Branch) vs 23
  • Jeremiah 31:15 look up :)

1 comment:

  1. I so love doing this after doing the Beth Moore Jesus study....this is awesome!! that study is really helping me now........:)
