Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.

Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.
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Friday, October 14, 2011

Matthew 13, Luke 8

Parables are sometimes tough for me, so I revel in the fact that even the disciples asked Jesus, "Why do you speak in Parables?"   It is pretty cool that Jesus teaches not just head knowledge, but heart knowledge...the kingdom of God is not about intellectualism.  The knowledge is given to us about the kingdom of God, and Jesus refers to Isaiah where it was revealed to that prophet that a time would come when people would hear and not understand.    The Jews had to reject Jesus for the Gentiles to get into the "family".   Otherwise Jesus would have just come to the Jews.  Jesus came for everyone!!!!

All the Parables in this chapter teach about God and his kingdom.  Yeast in this parable is actually good.  In the Old  Testament, yeast was sin.   In this parable, the yeast is the good that spreads like the Gospel.  I like the one about the weeds....the weeds look just like the good crop in the beginning.  At harvest time (the coming of Jesus again), the weeks will be separated from the good crop.  This is a nice reminder not to judge people.  That is not our place....God knows everyone's heart and the weeks will be sifted away.

The kingdom of heaven is more valuable than anything we have now.   We really don't know the meaning of "riches"....thus, the pearl merchant and the hidden treasure parable.   And finally we see that Jesus hometown rejects him.  Don't you think it would be hard if your next door neighbor who you knew in all his/her humanity began proclaiming that they were the son of God?  What would you think?

In Luke, the herd of pigs is amazing.   Evil spirits ask permission to jump into the pigs to escape Jesus.  Keep in mind that pigs aren't kosher and Jews don't eat them.   However, some Gentile's money crop was destroyed.  The bleeding woman shows that Jesus loved women and that they were not second class citizens to him, like they were in that culture.  A menstuating woman was considered unclean and anyone who touched her would have to be purifed before worshiping.  She had been unclean for so long...think of how "outcast" she must feel...but she had faith in Jesus healing her.  Jesus also raised Jairius' daughter from death...I loved how the NIV says "her spirit returned".....


  1. can you explain the mustard seed parable?

    ok....do I have this right for sower parable.....Some people hear the Word and do not understand it.....but without understanding, they cannot do anything with it.......some people receive the Word and understand it and are very happy until there is some kind of trouble or stress and then they doubt the Word.......some people hear the Word while in stress and all the problems and sins of the world become more than the Word and he cannot follow the Word.... but others hear the Word and understands the Word applies all the time....good and bad.....then those will be able to apply the Word in their lives. Is that right?

    Luke 8:22-25....cool how he can control wind and wave.....bad how disciples lost faith at this time....was this a test?

    Why would the people of Gadarenes ask Jesus to leave and be afraid of Him after he sent the demons out of the man and into the pigs? Had they not heard of him and his miracles?

    Ok....the girl died and Jesus brought her back...why would Jesus tell them to tell no one what had happened? Someone had already told the parents that she was dead so they would have to explain how she came alive....and wouldn't Jesus want people to know of these miracles to show everyone the miracles of God?

    I know I am full of questions tonite.......

  2. OK....the mustard seed.....Jesus talks about having faith like a mustard seed. It is the tiniest seed known to man, yet it produces a huge plant. It is also equated to show that the kingdom has small beginnings but will grow and produce great results.

    You are right on with the sower parable! Yay!

    No, Jesus wasn't testing the scared disciples. He had hoped more from them....after all they hung out with him and saw all the cool stuff he did, but when they were scared, they panicked and forgot all about the supernatural powers.

    Scholars think that the people of Gadarenes might have been scared of Jesus' supernatural powers....they also might not have wanted to lose any more pigs in which they made money....they may have been focused on economic security.

    Jesus told Jairus' and his wife not to tell about what he had done, because he thought that it was enough by it's own merits. Jesus also didn't want people following him just because of the physical healing.....they main point was forgiving them of their sins and teaching them that he was the son of God in his time. It wasn't just about wonders all by themselves.

    Does that make sense?
