Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.

Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.
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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Matthew 1; Luke 2: 1-38

Since I have
been at Jury Duty, I'm going to rely on Patricia for a bit...here's some good stuff...

Even if this is your first time reading the Gospel I think was can all surmise that this is the what some call the birth of Jesus, often called the Incarnation.  This  is God in the flesh so this is not a new being, He is just in a different form.  If you have trouble with this,  think of the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) as Water.  Water can be Ice, Water and Mist, and water can be liquid,  they are all the same, in different forms.  Anyway, most of us understand the reading today, so I will just take a minute to give some “History”
First Matthew.  Matthew  writes to the Jews so genealogy is very very important. (it still is today for them).  The Jews knew that the Messiah would come from 2 origins.
  • Through the line of Abraham, the  father of all Jews
  • Through the line of David.  Both fulfill the Old Testament Prophecies.
Please take some time to look at some of the people in Jesus family earthly family tree.  He comes from ALL people for ALL people.  In there are heroes to harlots!  Jews and GENTILES!  (Ruth and Rahab were not Jewish woman by birth) INTERESTING TO THINK ABOUT FOR A MINUTE!
 Now Luke: Romans were the world power, and we know from the prophecy bookMicah (click here to read it!!)  the Messiah would be born in a town called Bethlehem.  Did anyone look that word up in Greek?  You will be blessed if you do.   Anyway, God, of course in  control,  moves Caesar Augustus to order a census whether for tax purposes or military count at the appropriate time to get Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem (God can orchestrate it all!).  Also it is VERY important to look at who He chose: Mary and Joseph were BOTH from the Line of David. 
The Shepherd visits Jesus (was I the ONLY one who read this in a  Linus voice from the Peanuts Christmas Special).
Then the reading ends with a Prophecy of Simeon. 
29“Sovereign Lord, as you have promised,
      you now dismiss your servant in peace.
 30For my eyes have seen your salvation,
    31which you have prepared in the sight of all people,
 32a light for revelation to the Gentiles
      and for glory to your people Israel.”
At the Birth of Jesus we already are talking about Revelation!  The Greek word in this text is  apokalypsis.  (Apocalypse) and the definition is
1) laying bare, making naked
2) a disclosure of truth, instruction
a) concerning things before unknown
b) used of events by which things or states or persons hitherto withdrawn from view are made visible to all
3) manifestation, appearance
Well, you can end reading here unless you want some more “History”. 
I want to take a little time on the Circumcision:  VERY important background here.  Jesus was not born above the law, instead He filled it perfectly!  So these paragraphs are very important.
  1. The Circumcision is part of the Abrahamic Covenant .  In Genesis 12 God promises that through Moses ALL people on earth will be blessed.  In Genesis 15 God makes that promise a Covenant.  With every covenant there must be a death and blood must be shed. (why Jesus had to sacrifice himself).  So if you go to Genesis 17 the Jewish part of that Covenant was circumcision.  It represented being set apart from all others and their relationship with the Lord.
  2. Luke 2:23 talks of the consecration of the first born.  Why? WOW this is awesome, go back way back to Exodus 11-13.  Remember when the Jews were Delivered out of Egypt.  Do you remember how? Yes! The Plagues.  Each one to combat a false god.  The last plague was the death of the first born children, and God sent an angel of death to take them all but the Jewish children were spared called the Passover.  In remembrance of God’s Deliverance and Mercy the Jews Consecrate their first born to the Lord acknowledging that it is all His!

1 comment:

  1. Finally....the New Testament....
    and finally Jesus is born...."

    Can you imagine being Mary when the shepherds came and told what they had heard from the angel that came before them?

    And the man....Simeon....who knew that once he saw the Lord's Christ he would die......and he knew when he saw the babe that it was Jesus.....

    I love Luke 2:14 "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!" That would have been awesome to witness!!
