Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.

Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.
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Sunday, October 9, 2011

John 5

I am amazed at the readings where the Pharisees are after Jesus for doing things on the Sabbath...talk about being out to get someone that threatens your power.  A lame man is healed...for 38 years he had been used to this way of living....Jesus physically healed him...yes,this is a miracle, but the best kind of thing is that Jesus forgives him for his sins and tells him to sin no more.  The Jews aren't just angry here, they are so threatened that they want to kill Jesus.

Jesus publically claims to be God's son.  Verse 24 talks about how you can get everlasting life....believe in Jesus.  Man can cross from death (without God) to life (the everlasting life that is mentioned).

Jesus claims to be divine, and this is supported by what John the Baptist claimed.   The religious leaders knew that Jesus was coming, but they refused to believe that Jesus would come in this way.  The Pharisees prided themselves on Moses law and even added to it.  This is the old covenant.   No one can follow all aspects of the law.   Therefore, man deserves death.  Jesus is the new covenant, and He can promise eternal life if you believe in/on Him


  1. I think it is cool that the poor man who could not get up to walk to the water.....Jesus healed him........
    Now I know why the Jews wanted to kill Jesus....because he had worked on the Sabbath.

    i love verse 24...."Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life."...

    He states the point later.....God sent him....and if you claim to believe in God but do not believe in Jesus, then how do you believe in God/

  2. Yep, the Jews were looking for any violation of the law so they could get rid of Jesus and keep the power they perceived they had. What did this young whipersnapper know? They were the important ones.
