Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.

Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.
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Sunday, October 30, 2011

John 11

Now we have read about how Jesus loves to go to Mary and Martha and Lazurus' home.  Jesus loved this family.  Lazurus gets very sick and the sisters send word to Jesus.  Jesus replies:

This sickness will not end in death.  No, it is for God's glory so that God's Son may be glorified through it.

What would you think if you heard this message and knew that Jesus was a great healer along with his other miracles.  Would you be surprised if your brother died?

Jesus tells the disciples:

Our friend Lazarus  has fallen asleep: but I am going there to wake him up.

Jesus deliberately was not there so that he could teach about resurrection.....Jesus comforts Mary and Martha.  They both tell him that they knew if he were there that Lazarus would not have died.....Look at verse 33 where Jesus was deeply moved in spirit and troubled.....there is emotion in our Jesus.   As a side note, the shortest verse in the Bible is versed 35:  Jesus wept.

Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead...he wanted the stone rolled away and Martha says, by this time there is a bad odor, for he has been there four days.   Note that Jesus thanks God and tells Lazarus to come out...and he does, wrapped in his grave clothes.

I am the resurrection and the life.  He who believes in  me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.  Do you believe this?  This was a major object lesson and teaching moment for Jesus.....but yet, guess what the religious leaders do?  Remember the name Caiaphas...he will have a major role coming up.

1 comment:

  1. Now this is a cool story.....how cool that he raised a man from the dead!!!
