Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.

Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.
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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Matthew 3; Mark 1, Luke 3

By far the coolest thing in these chapters to me are the accounts of the perfect triune God in one place at Jesus' baptism.....Son gets baptised, Holy Spirit descends like a dove, and the voice of the Father booms down from Heaven......Love it!

Patricia continues:

Matthew: So 30 years has passed in the reading but you actually have to think more like it has been over 400 years.  Over 400 years since a prophet has spoken, and now here comes John the Baptist.   It says in verse 4 he had a garment of hair and a  leather belt on his waist. (Was was to look like Elijah so the Jews would recognize him to usher in the Messiah…Look at 2 Kings 1:8!!)   John is Baptizing as a sign of repentance (this was done before the Messiah came, so we know this has no saving quality to is, just symbolism)  It states in verse 11,  man baptizes with water for repentance, God’s Baptism is of the Holy Spirit (internal).  
John the Baptist has a following of disciples and it is now the proper time that Jesus gets baptized to fulfill all righteousness.    Saying it is now time to follow Him.  And at that time,  we see the Trinity in all it’s Glory show itself, for it is now time for Jesus to start his Ministry. We also have the introduction of the Pharisees and the Sadducees (2 political/religious parties legalism, pompous and corrupt).  Normally they oppose each other but now that the Messiah is coming for ALL people (not just the Jews) they will be allies.  Both Religious parties grew after the Maccabean period (I am sure your Bible talks about this between the OT and NT, take a peek…)
  • Pharisees: Strict group of Jews who preach strict obedience,  laws,  and traditions (many man created) .  They applied all the books of the Bible to the times at hand.
  • Sadducees: Wealthy upper class priests who ONLY subscribed to the first 5 books of the Bible (Torah) as the Word of God.  The do not belive in angels, demons, or the Resurrection.
Mark: New book today.  Wow, very different style.  Mark is speaking to Christians on Rome.  Rome is worshipping MANY gods so he is going to stress that Jesus in the son of one true God!  In this book of Mark we start to be introduced to the Followers of Jesus.  Exciting isn’t it.  There will be 12 that are Chosen as Disciples, and then others will follow.  We meet brothers Simon and Andrew, fishing with nets to catch fish.  They will now learn how to fish with the Gospel for Men.  Then we meet James son of Zebedee and his brother John (fishing with their Dad and their hired help)  You know I could write a page on all this don’t you!  I won’t.
SO they go to Capernaum.  We already know that he is in Galilee (mostly Gentile) Capernaum is a was the headquarters to the Roman army, a Very wealthy town,  a great way (tough way)  to start his ministry.  SO Jesus goes to the Synagogue. 
  • When the Jews were in captivity in the O.T. the Jewish people didn’t have a temple (it was destroyed at the time) to attend so they created centers of learning and teaching.  Because it was not the Holy Temple, anyone could speak at them.  Each Sabbath, the Synagogue would be packed with men to hear the Scriptures read.  Most often visiting teacher were the speakers and often quoted other great teachers to show authority.  Note Jesus didn’t do that, prove authority, He spoke as the one who had the authority (of course He did).  SUch authority that again the demons recognize him as the Holy One of God!
A lot of great stuff happens in Mark, I needed a commentary for some of it so PLEASE ask if you have questions (I did).  The one that interested me was the man with Leprosy, after he was healed why did he have to go to the priests instead of the people?  The Laws in Leviticus 13 and 14 were very specific on procedure and Jesus always followed the Word of God.   This is how we know He didn’t just come onto the scene like a renegade challenging everything God put into practice, the mere OPPOSITE…he followed it all.  Important to note.
Luke: (I like his style)  Did you print the Herod Family Tree from Yesterday’s reading?  You should, it will help make sense of who these people are. 
SOme name introductions:
  1. Tiberius Caesar: Emperor in Rome (14 A.D. to 37 A.D.)
  2. Pontius Pilot: The appointed roman Governor placed in Judea (where Jerusalem is) (South)
  3. Herod, (Antipas) (1 of 4 that governed the area of Galilee (North)
  4. Annas and Caiaphas the high priests.  Annas was the high priest, but the priesthood by this time is so corrupt, the roman’s had then placed Caiaphas in the position too for political control. 
So to make this easy for you, Caesar is in Rome while Rome used Pilot, Herod and Caiaphas to control the Palestine area.  Does that make sense, I want you to get all this. 
And again we see this repeat phrase from the Jews “We have Abraham as our Father”, and John, in Spirit tells them that being born of Jewish Descent is not the way of salvation (as it was being taught). Then we see John the Baptist goes to prison for rebuking Herod for being with his brother in laws wife (and other stuff he was doing) and finally a Genealogy.  Luke you will notice reiterates All Mankind will see God’s salvation!  Matthews Genealogy proved Jesus to me related to all Jews (Abraham) but Luke here will prove that Jesus is related to ALL mankind, taking it back to Adam.
I am sorry again for making this long.  After this foundation they will be super short blogs.

11 responses to this post.

  1. I know I’ve heard a sermon explaining it before but I forgot, why is it that the geneaology in Luke doesn’t match Matthew? Not just that it goes back to Adam but some of the other stuff doesn’t match.
    Also, we do see that baptism is important here as well because Jesus says to do this to fulfill righteousness. While I don’t think it saves you, I don’t want to down play it either.
  2. I too think Baptism is very important. You see that Baptism wasn’t something that started AFTER Christ died but it was already being done before he was even born. I am not certain exactly when it started but I know that when people converted (some by choice, some by force) to Judiasm, one of the things they would do would “wash” them as a symbol to all that they were now on God’s side for all to see. So John had a huge following of Disciples and in Matthew 3:15 you will see some key words….”NOW” meaning, proper at this time, and “US” meaning John and Jesus as a team because it was time for the Disciples to leave John and start to follow Jesus. Jesus was coming to fulfill all righteousness (not the Baptism).
    Does that make sense?
  3. The Matthew Genealogy was VERY specific to follow the blood line to Abraham where Luke (being a Gentile) would not even have access to those records and did not need to be specific. You will see Luke brings it all the way back to Shem, one of the sons of Noah, and then Methuselah (oldest man in the Bible) and even Enoch who was taken up to heaven without dying because he was in favor with the Lord before the flood, and then Seth, the brother to Cain and Abel and finally to Adam. Isn’t it beautiful! We all come from Adam so it proved that Jesus came for ALL not just the line of Abraham.
  4. Posted by brittany devault on October 4, 2010 at 10:37 am
    I like them being long lol very informative!
  5. Posted by Christy Cline on October 4, 2010 at 11:05 am
    I did print out the Herod Family Tree, but I have to admit, I’m still a little confused (but trying) ;) I like the long blogs too… the more info, the better I say!!!
  6. Posted by Pamela on October 4, 2010 at 1:10 pm
    Yes. Long blogs. I’m confused as well. But reading and following best I can. I am sure God will link all the pieces up soon. ;)
  7. Posted by Nicolle on October 4, 2010 at 3:51 pm
    Angie – the reason the two geneaologies don’t match is that it is thought that the Matthew account is the line of Joseph and the Luke account is the line of Mary (even though it says Joseph b/c they didn’t really keep geneaologies of the women…) The difference can be seen starting with the son’s of king David. Joseph’s geneaology is through Solomon and Mary’s is through Nathan… I know that was as clear as mud but hope it helped.
  8. Christy, we will read about the Herod/John the Baptist deal in Mark 6 but look at your handout of the family tree. The Herod we are talking about in these scriptures is Herod Antipas. John rebukes his whole family for their evil ways including Herodias and Herod Phillip II. They were neice and uncle and married. Gross I know (and against Jewish Law). John is put into Prison for this. You will have to wait till Sunday to see what happens…..
  9. Posted by Christy Cline on October 4, 2010 at 7:57 pm
    About when he’s an infant?… I think I just confused myself more :)
    I understood what happened when he was an adult and rebuked Herod… but, I do look forward to reading more!!
  10. Posted by Beth Lehman on October 4, 2010 at 9:41 pm
    About Baptism:
    I know it’s not required for salvation (the thief on the cross was not baptised, but was with Jesus in paradise);
    But in my own life, I can only say that something changed in me when I already believed, and then was baptized (in that order) :)
  11. Thanks Nicolle! Now I remember that was the reason my minister gave in that sermon long ago too. I just didn’t want to be sitting there questioning when I know the bible never contradicts itself.


  1. Ok....I get goosebumps when John the Baptist baptizes Jesus and "Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to him and He saw the spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him.. And suddenly a voice cam from heaven, saying,'This is My beloved son, in whom I am well pleased.'"

    And then in Mark when we see for the first time Jesus cast out the demons from the man.....cool!! Good verse....Mark 1:34 " Then He healed many who were sick with many various diseases, and cast out many demons; and He did not allow the demons to speak, because the knew him>"

    then in Mark 1:40 "If you are willing You can make me clean," The leper knew Jesus COULD do it, just was not sure if he deserved it.

    I notice all three books in this reading say" You are My beloved Son; in You I am well pleased". Notice something repeated in Bible...

    Luke goes into more detail about his 40 days in wilderness right after being baptized....this is where you read about the devil trying to tempt him and Jesus answering him with scripture.

    Luke 3:18......I have this noted in Bible from Beth Moore study that this was Jesus's job description..... "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor, He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed; to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord."

    Whoops.....just realized I read to far........I guess that's not a bad thing to get caught up in this reading!
