Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.

Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.
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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Luke 12-13

Luke our doctor by occupation records Jesus speaking against hypocrisy.  God knows everything-nothing is hidden from him, so if you are just going through the ritual and your heart isn't in it, God knows it. God knows if you are on TV and preaching and then you treat your family badly that you are a hypocrite....God knows if you are in front of people singing and it is all about you rather than all about Him......God knows if you read your Bible everyday and then turn around and gossip that you are going through the motions.......examine your heart, or better yet, let Him

We have the parable of the rich fool...how would you like yourself recorded in the Bible under that heading?  The rich man died because he wanted to store up treasures only for himself....Ironically, he didn't get to use them because he died the very night that he thought about what to do with his crop.

Jesus warns about worry...we've all been there.....we don't need to waste time worrying about the "what if-s"...this means we are not trusting God.

Jesus warns about Preparing for His Coming...we need to be ready at all times, because we don't know when He is coming We do know that He is coming, just not when.

Jesus warns about coming division....do you think that we may be experiencing any of this now?

Jesus warns about future crisis.  This was a major farm culture and the farmers had to be very aware of the weather as it related to their crops.   Jesus says, "How is it that you don't know how to interpret this present time?"....Question for you...what do you think "this present time" is?

In chapter 13, Jesus calls the people to repent.  Jesus talks about people who had died in an accident....Jesus was telling them that if people didn't all repent, that they to would perish......no eternal life.  A person needs to be bearing good fruit as a witness of Jesus' kingdom, or he would perish as a non-believer.

Jesus Heals a Crippled woman......pretty cool that our Dr. Luke focuses on healing.   Jesus gets nailed for doing this on the Sabbath.  The Synagogue ruler  gets called a hypocrite by Jesus OUCH!!!!!!

Jesus teaches about the Kingdom of God...there is your mustard seed again, Bonnie!

Jesus teaches about entering the kingdom......Jesus is the narrow door.   People are going to be surprised when they think they are going to heaven and the door is locked to them.   These people aren't going to heaven simply by having Abraham as a relative.

Jesus Grieves over Jerusalem.....his chosen city has rejected prophets and now Jesus.   Jesus wanted to nurture and protect them.......Jerusalem makes a choice.

1 comment:

  1. Glad I read this....I have heard people say "Fear of God"....and I have heard people say you shouldn't be afraid of God.....he loves you.....well NOW I KNOE>>>>>>

    I love 12:32 "Do note fear, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom." then 12:34 "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Comforting to know taht God wants us to be with Him ....he does want this for us. But we need to be aware of where our heart is.....that is the key to our future with Him.
