Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.

Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.
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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Hebrews 7-10

So, what did you think about the foreshadowing of our old friend Mel, Prince of Salem?  Do you think he was Jesus pre-incarnate?    This stuff facinates me!  God is beginning to tie up the Bible with a bow...all the Old Testament was pointing to Jesus....then what?

Some clung to God and refused to accept Jesus.   Some were being persecuted and wondered if this Jesus stuff was worth it all.  There is clear proof in these chapters that the New Covenant is better than the Old.  We don't need animal sacrifice anymore.   Jesus is our High Priest and we can approach God's throne boldly ON OUR OWN!  Jesus is more important than angels and more important than Moses. The old tabernacle of the Old Testament was a pattern.....God gave Moses specific instructions on how to build it and it is a shadow of the tabernacle in Heaven......Again, it is all pointing to Jesus!!!!   Jesus ransomed us from Sin.....this means he paid a ransom for us so that the ultimate end is NOT death.  We can have eternal life....death is just a door to something else.   If you don't believe in Jesus, death is the end.  Are you going to let all of Jesus' work be in vain????  He loves YOU!  He died for YOU!  Do we really understand the depth of all this??????

1 comment:

  1. So is this Melcizedek person really Jesus before jesus actually came......was he a person or an angel......is this someone that Abraham actually met and who did he think he was.......it does sound like jesus......kinda cool....

    9:26-28 is really cool......

    Ok..this reading is pretty cool and I don't know if I will say this right....bur....it kinda ties the old testament to the new testament....kinda like the author is proving his point and stating facts that happened in old testament with facts from new testament. this happened then...and now this happened later. It kinda like summarizes the whole Bible main points and shows how first event happened in old testament because of what was coming up in new testament....I don't think I am saying this right to help you understand what I am trying to say....
