Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.

Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.
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Monday, December 19, 2011

1 Peter

You all remember Peter don't you?  Denied the Lord 3 times.   First to recognize that Jesus was the Messiah..."the rock"....

We have gotten used to Paul's authorship, so here is a little change.  Peter writes this to encourage Christians.  Peter was probably in Rome when Nero became the Emperor.  Nero was quite horrible.   He tortured Christians for sport.  He was known for killing his own mother.  He was credited for burning Rome in a great fire, but he tortured Christians into admitting they did it.   Persecution was continuing as Rome was being rid of Christians who wouldn't bow down.  We have no idea of the persecution that was running rampant since we have freedom of religion in this culture....do you think we are passive as a result?  In the first century, these Christians probably had persecution from the Romans, Jews and their own families.  Remember that Saul/Paul was one of the Jewish persecutors of Christians.   And under Roman law, the head of the household had absolute authority over its members.  If he wasn't Christian, they could be beaten and have no standing with the law.

Peter points out that Christians were chosen by God...our hope is in the Living Christ...he overcame death for us.  Peter talks about suffering, and points out that suffering is to refine our faith.  We are to be set apart (Holy).

Peter talks about Christ being the cornerstone of the church.  We as Christians are individual stones in that body..... Christ caused many to stumble when they did not accept him.  Submission is to be mutual...we are ambassadors of Christ .  We are to cooperate voluntarily with someone else out of love and respect for that person.  It is our CALLING to be kind to our enemies (OUCH)...

A nice note I like:
Peter developed the qualities of compassion and humility the hard way.  In his early days with Christ, these attitudes did not come naturally to his impulsive, strong-willed personality......It was a process, so be encouraged!

Two of my favorite verses are in Chapter 5
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

Be self -controlled and alert.  Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.....
we are not alone!  Lions attack sick, young, or struggling animals....don't cut yourself off from those that can help you...

1 comment:

  1. A letter of how we should behave as Christians......even in horrible times, we should have faith in God.
