Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.

Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.
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Sunday, December 18, 2011

1 Timothy

Paul wrote this letter to Timothy after he got out of prison.  He writes "pastoral" letters to Timothy and Titus.  Timothy is one of the first "second" generation Christians.  His mother Eunice and grandmother Lois were Jewish believers that shaped him.  See the influence we can have with God's help...Emperor Nero is shortly going to begin his campaign to eliminate Christianity....Paul knows that there will be false teachers in the church and he teaches Timothy how to be prepared and how a church should be organized.

These false teachers wanted power and prestige.   Genuine Christian teachers don't (shouldn't) care about the prestige and are motivated to do what Christ teaches is right.  These false teachers didn't understand the Law's purpose.  It was more than just commands where people could compete and see who could obey the best...it was to show unbelievers their sin and bring them to God. He came to offer salvation...no sinner is beyond this saving power.

So, what did you think about Paul's teaching about women?   Did the devil whisper in your ear that Paul was a male chauvinist (sp?) pig?    Ha!  Paul was actually talking specifically about the Ephesian women.  He actually wanted MORE for women.   The Ephesian women were just learning about Jesus/God.   In Jewish tradition women could not learn; their job was to raise the family and lots of children were the blessing.   Paul wanted to make sure that teachers had enough Biblical knowledge that they could discern the truth....particularly since there were false teachers around trying to get some prestige.   Paul didn't forbid women from ever teaching....thing about Priscilla who taught Apollos.  By all means train the women to teach.

Paul teaches about leaders....and then moves to widows.   Apparently, there was a list of widows that you could sign up for if you were over 60.  Apparently you agreed to do service for the church.   Paul advised against young widows being on this list, because he didn't want them to be lazy and lose purpose and direction toward Christ.  He wanted the church to take care of those that really had no resources such as family.

Paul talks about the love of money...what did you think?

One really cool thing for those of us that studied Revelation already...note that God's title in 6: 15 is King of kings and Lord of lords.....who is going to inherit that title based on reading Revelation?

So Paul encourages young Timothy.   Timothy had to be discouraged as a young man with all these challenges, because everyone knows that running a church is really easy.  Ha...just wanted to see if you read this far.....

1 comment:

  1. Notes from my Bible:
    Timothy was half Greek and half Jew. He became Paul's aide during his second missionary journey. Timothy means "one who honors God".

    Uh oh....I see I do not follow Paul in 2:11-12...."Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but o be in silence." Ok....I have a problem with the silence part, as anybody who knows me knows this. Second....with all submission.....yea, right. Third.....no authority over a man.....I do when he is wrong.....lol......

    Ok....just read your part on this.....feel a little better about Paul now.

    I like 6:7...."For we brought nothing into this world and it is certain we can carry nothing out." WE need to be happy with what we have instead of complaining with what we want.

    Also 6:18 " Let them do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to give, willing to share, " When we have financial blessing, not only should we enjoy it and spend on ourselves, bu also to help others and expand the kingdom of God.
