Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.

Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.
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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Colossians; Philemon

OK, I am not going to write much about Philemon, because I want to goad Bonnie/Philemon to write about it.  Since she was on-stage with Beth Moore.

Colossians was one of Paul's prison letters he wrote, while he was under house arrest in Rome, awaiting his trial with Caeser.  Paul wrote this to address the heresy of Gnostism.  Gnostics valued the accumulation of knowledge.  They thought it took special knowledge to be accepted by God.  They believed that all matter was evil...this includes the human body.  They thought that Christ could not be who he was because he was in a human body which was matter, and all matter was evil.   Paul refuted this by saying that God created heaven and earth for his glory. Paul said that God's secret is Christ, and he has been revealed to all, so no special knowledge was needed.  It is not what we know that brings salvation, but whom we know.  Knowing Christ is knowing God.  The great mystery, which is Christ, has been revealed to us all.

The Gospel was for redemption....Jesus paid the ransom/price for our sins.  He bought us back from sin.  The greatest triumph of all time was in 2:15....And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.  God has declared us not guilty.  Legally, it is as if he or shed had never been accused, according to my study Bible, when God forgives our sins, our record is wiped clean.  From his perspective, it is as though we never sinned.

Paul then gives us direction on how to live a Christian life, based on what Christ has done for us.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. FRom my Bible: In Col 19-12
    Paul covers every area of our lives that need the daily touch of God:
    1. Ask God to fill you with the spiritual understanding you need as you walk in His will and study His word.(v9)
    2. Jesus lived a blameless life, exactly what we should pursue.(v10)
    3. Live a life pleasing to God and excel in your Christian walk (v10)
    4. WE prove we are Jesus' disciples when we bear fruit. (v10)
    5. We should ask for more knowledge from His resources(v10)
    6. Ask God to strengthen you to do His will for His glory, and he will do it. (v11)
    7. Our love for Him should run so deep that we can't help but give glory and honor to Him. (v12).

    I really like 3:18-25Ok....now my Philemon:
    This is a message of reconciliation and restoration.

    Onesimus was a slave to Philemon and ran away. Philemon and Paul were friends. Onesimus became a follower of Jesus. Paul urged him to return to his master, but he was afraid, because he could be put to death for this. But he did. This book is the letter that Paul wrote to Philemon asking him to forgive him and not harm him. Paul knew Philemon had good in him, and pushed him to do the RIGHT thing regarding Onemus. If you have Christ in you, you have no idea how useful and good you can be until it is pushed to the surface. Let your faith become energetic.

    In this book, we learn that we have to deal with our stuff....face our problems and issues face to face.

    We need to give people a chance. Don't hold in bitterness or be unforgiving, because that will hold you back.

    P rovidence has strange way of catching up
    with us.
    H eaded forward sometimes necessitates going
    I nvolving other eyes on all sides is genius in
    volatile matters.
    L oves sake is the keepsake.
    E very WHAT in our lives has a corresponding WHY
    M uch of the "good that is in us" stays IN until
    forced OUT
    O nly the most courageous will keep loving by
    N o ministry is more like Christ than ministry
    of reconciliation.

    How did I do? I used my notes from Beth Moore.

    yours truly...
    PHILEMON (Bonnie)

  3. Filet Mignon:
    You did an excellent job...shoot, you were learning up there on stage in between getting busted by Beth Moore for waving and wriggling around to get comfy LOL
