Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.

Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.
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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Revelation 19-22


Huge joy from the multitudes...everyone face down to the Lord...the angel tells John to write "Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!

Huge white horse is seen whose rider is Faithful and True..it is the King of King and Lord of Lords...At last!!!!!!  The beast is captured along with the false prophet and they are thrown alive into the fiery lake.  (Beth Moore made an observation that she bets this is when the Jews will say:  "See, now this is what we were waiting for!!)

The dragon is bound for 1000 years and then he will be set free for a short time....

We have the first resurrection...the believers had not worshiped the beast and they are going to reign with Christ for 1000 years.  These were the martyrs for Jesus' name.

Satan's doom is next...he is released and tries to recruit help to spread more evil....nope, it is off to the fiery lake AT LAST!!!!!

The dead are judged...the lost are judged here, not the saved.   There is no condemnation for a believer.  This group is thrown into the fiery lake.   There was no more time to change your mind, here.  No repentance = The End.

Everything is made new....us....creation....our emotions....our bodies.....
And now there is a new Heaven and a new Earth...the New Jerusalem comes down from Heaven and now God is going to live with man again.  Note:  God comes down to meet us!  This is just how it was in Eden, before the Fall...the foundations of the city are now the Apostles, which is the new covenant, not the old....the colors of the stones are like what the High Priest work on his breastplate to represent the 12 tribes.   This new city has no need of the sun or the moon, because that is Jesus and God .  The river of life will run through the city and the throne of God and Jesus will be in the city....the curse (of the land where there were thorns, back in Genesis) has been removed.

God gave John a glimpse of eternity to show us.  John says the Jesus is most certainly coming.  Revelation ends just as Genesis began...in paradise with evil gone forever.  This scary book has a true message of hope.

We have been on a journey for a year....I do so hope that this has opened up the characteristics of God to you.....To me, there is a whole lot more majesty to God....thunder and lightning are cool to me, now...I just love how God has taken us from the beginning of His book to the end...and pulled it all together in a way our little human minds can fathom.   We have the detail we need, and the mystery that God chooses to use.  It is all an evolving plan of salvation.  We have met some really cool, flawed human beings that are there to teach us....and the fact is:  God loves His children.  We have been chosen.  As believers we have eternal life NOW!!!  Let's not hog it.....let's share the news because our God is big enough!!!  Clearly, I am a lay person and not an ordained person, I just love God.  The Word of God is for everyone, and thank you for the honor of traveling through this blog and the Bible with me.


  1. kinda cool how he goes to his feet to the angel and the angel tells him no....only God should be worshipped......love it...

    Ok....confused....when it says 20:5...that "the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished." and then in 20:12 "And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books." does this mean everyone who has died since the beginning will have to wait 1,000 years after final judgement before allowed into heaven?

    I love 21:4 "And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away."

    Oh, I just love how he writes how the angels tell him what to write and lead him to different places. Kinda like how we tell each other what we did this weekend....

    so is the temple the bride of Jesus?

    Oh my word..... I DID IT! Thank you CArol for this blog and answering my constant questions.....I have learned so much and know I am just on the very tip of knowing what is in this great book. I have read stories I never thought were in the Bible, read things I have heard of, read the ten commandments for the first time, read of Jesus's birth and crucifixion and resurrection all for the first time in my life! I became sad at times, even when I knew what was coming up....and have a better understanding than I did one year ago!

    Thank you Carol....Thank you.....and Happy New Year!!

  2. OK different views in 20:5....Some believe that the first resurrection is spiritually in our hearts at salvation and that the Millennium is our spiritual reign with Christ between the first and second comings. During that time we are priests of God. In this view, the 2nd resurrection is the bodily resurrection for the believers.

    The other view is that the first resurrection occurs after Satan has been set aside. It is a physical resurrection of believers who reign with Christ on earth for 1000 years. The second resurrection occurs at the end of the milennium in order to judge unbelievers who have died.

    The whole church is the bride of Jesus...all believers!

    I loved all your questions. They were all great and kept me on my toes. I am so proud of you!!!!!

  3. My old Pastor's wife, whom is also a teaching Pastor herself did a wonderful study on the Bride of Christ. I wonder if I can get a copy of that....It was unbelivable how it touched so many people and what a thought to be the bride of Christ!!!!

  4. Cool! It is a neat concept that Jesus treasures His bride: the church.....

  5. Cool! It is a neat concept that Jesus treasures His bride: the church.....
