Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.

Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.
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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Revelation 12-18

This is major Spiritual Warfare.....the battle between good and evil has been going on forever.   For some reason God has allowed Satan to rule the earth, but it is all a part of the plan.   God is in control, will always be in control, and remains in control.

The woman in chapter 12 is God's faithful people, the twelve stars on her head are the 12 tribes of Israel...Satan tried to use Herod to kill the baby Jesus.  Satan has been trying to get Jesus forever, and now tries to get his children.  Verse 12 tells us that Satan is furious because he knows that his time is short...he will use whatever weakness we have to get us away from God if he can.  When Jesus was resurrected, the devil had a huge blow struck against him and he is stepping up his persecution to counterfeit anything that God does. Who is like the beast that comes out of the sea?  This is the counterfeit of Jesus...the beast that comes out of the earth is the counterfeit Holy Spirit.  If you get a mark of the beast, it is all over for you.  The mark can't be revoked.  Those of us that are believers already have a mark of God on us, and the beast can't mark us...he can toy with us and try to tempt us, but we are God's.

3 angels appear, one preaches the gospel to everyone, one tells us that Babylon has fallen, and one warns against worshiping the beast.  Then the earth is ripe and it is time for the harvest.....

Seven plagues are poured out....you remember that God used plagues in the Old Testament..these are judgments.

The final victory is where the great prostitute/Babylon is going down!  The whole message of Revelation, according to Beth Moore can be summed up with verse 14:  The will make war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will overcome them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings-and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers.

God's title of King of Kings now belongs to the son.  The evil earth system has been defeated.


  1. i have heard about 666 being the number of the devil....now I read where this came from.....but what does is mean when it says...it is the number of a man.....? 13:18

    I like in 14:13....they tell him to write "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on."

    Now these 7 bowls are serious: These are the final 7 plagues of the Earth...
    1. Loathsome sores - sores appeared on all who have mark of the beast
    2. Sea turns to blood - sea turns into man's blood, and all sea creatures die
    3. Water turns to blood - all rivers and springs turn to blood
    4. men are scorched- scorched with fire
    5. Darkness and pain - all darkness and full of pain
    6. Euphrates dried up -
    7. Earth is shaken - completion of plagues. Noises, thunder, lightning, earthquake.

    Can you explain the scarlet woman and beast to me?

  2. In 13:3, man does not want to have the mark of the beast on him. Satan is counterfeiting what God does with His mark on believers. Satan's mark on his people will save them from the damage Satan is going to do to God's people...the importance is that the beast's mark on man is loyalty to Satan. 666=no eternal life for man.

    The scarlet woman is a "ho"....a prostitute, funded and paid for by the devil. Babylon is taken from Babel which means to mix up. The scarlet beast has the blasphemous names and the seven heads and ten horns..that is the world system that is entirely corrupt. Kings "slept" with the prostitute which meant that Satan had control over the earth's rulers. The woman is a great prostitute and is Babylon...all the corrupt empires.

  3. Ok....so really a "ho"...wasn't sure if it was symbolism for something.......lol

  4. yeah...I dunno if "ho" has every been on a Bible blog before...guess there is a first for everything!
