Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.

Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.
After you read, feel free to make a comment or ask a question in the comment box. You can sign up as a follower on the right, or you can sign up by e-mail at the bottom if you would like to follow the whole year. You may also chose to simply read along and make no comments. Whatever you choose. If you fall behind, as most people will do, don't worry...the whole year is here and you can catch up at your own speed. I highly encourage you to stick with it, If you read the Bible, you are going to mine some real jewels and insights.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year's Eve: Genesis 1-3

So far so good with the Bible reading....points to consider:
No wonder everyone thought Noah was crazy...there had never been rain in the history of his lifetime (see Genesis 1:5-7.

Man was created from dust.  Woman wasn't :-).  As I pointed this out to Rich (my husband) he said, "Yeah, but I am topsoil, Baby".

There were no thorns and thistles prior to the Curse (see Genesis 3: 17).  None of that stuff in Paradise.

Isn't it cool that even when Man sins, God is loving and takes care of him.  Genesis 3: 21 stated that God made garments of skin for Adam and  his wife and clothed them....and that if Adam and Eve had not eaten from the apple, they would have lived eternally....in fact, that was the original plan until they allowed their temptation.  (see  Genesis 3:22)

Isn't it cool that God "walked" literally with Adam and Eve...(see Genesis 3: 8)  and finally

God had planned even then that Jesus would conquer the devil....(see Genesis 3: 15)  "He will crush your head" foreshadows Satan's defeat when Christ rose from the dead.

What do you think?????

Monday, December 20, 2010

Join me (hopefully an "us") in traveling through the Bible in a year

So, how about a New Year's Resolution that you don't have to do by yourself.  I borrowed the idea, because my boss and his Prayer Partner have started early and are traveling through the Bible together and holding each other accountable.   I started thinking about how I love Bible study....I facilitate all the time and it is so cool when I find stuff and think, "So that is where that is from" or , "I didn't know that was in there"....I'm serious.....this good little former Lutheran church girl had no idea there was a talking donkey in the Bible....or that Daniel isn't just about the Lion's den.....God's finger suspends in front of a King and writes on the wall....I'm totally serious.

So, find a Bible translation you like, and let's go through the Bible together.  You can always find a reason not to, so suck it up and get over it, because the time is now.   I shall overcome my lack of joy at the poetic books like Psalms.....I can get through all the "begatting" .   We can do this and find some real treasures, because we can converse about it and pray for our spiritual understanding.   Let's learn together.....