Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.

Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.
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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Revelation 1-5

Many of you have just done the Beth Moore study on Revelation with me.   I encourage you to remain open with the interpretation and symbolism in this book.  There are many different views taken on this book of the Bible.   My position is that it only matters if it is a Saving Issue.....this is how I evaluate everything.  I don't think any of us have it completely right, and that is why there are multiple denominations.  I also think that you have to be open to Jesus Christ and how he chooses to fulfill his plan.   Specifically, the Jews missed Jesus Christ because they thought prophecy indicated that He would come as a King and not a servant.  Our Lord Jesus Christ can do anything He wants in anyway He chooses.  

I am going to borrow from Patricia for this entry, because she covers the churches and gives a nice description of the Kingdom Calendar

I am not sure what your “take-home” on this will be today but mine is the Greatness of Jesus.  I think my vision of him is as a “human or in his carnate” state.  Jesus is not a man, He is Lord.   Our vision of Him must not be what we see from movies on Easter but of the Mighty Warrior He is up in Heaven.    John writes this “unveiling” of who Jesus our Christ really is.
A reminder of His love and our Purpose are stated in 1:5
To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father
John is told in verse 19 to write: what you have seen, what is now, and what will take placelater.  John writes of his vision of Jesus starting in vs 13, Jesus is dressed in High Priest garments, holding the angels in his hand.  His hair is as white as snow, and  His eyes blaze with Holiness and the only thing Jesus speaks is the Word of God (sword).
We could spend 5 months on these 5 chapters, but sometimes the less I say the better.  Here are the 5 churches (which one describes your church or YOU)
  1. Ephesus: (Loveless), you are a hard worker, reject evil, persevere but have fallen out of love for Faith.  Jesus tells them to repent and do what you used to do for God.
  2. Smyrna: (Suffering for good)  Jesus comforts them with encouragement and for them to remain faithful for they will be given the crown!
  3. Pergamum (loves the world) You may love Christ and don’t deny him but tolerate other false religions “to each his own” mentality, and immorality in the world does not bother you.  He warns us to repent!
  4. Thytira (False Doctrine), Jesus warns them that they are a “deed based” faith (MANY are)  and you also tolerate other religions and worship idols and can be immoral.  He warns Judgement is coming, so repent.
  5. Sardis (a restaurant in NY, how ironic) ( Spiritually dead)  a group or church that is spiritually dead and Jesus warns to wake up to the few that remain so they will  not be blotted from the book of life.
  6. Philadelphia (Spiritually Alive) they have kept God’s word! And they will be rewarded in Heaven.
  7. Laodicea (lukewarm, complacent).  You are neither hot nor cold for Jesus and your Faith, and Jesus would rather you be one or the other!  He warns, turn from your indifference or you may never see eternity.
Please know that there are soooo many views on the end of times but in 1 Thessalonians the Greek word for Rapture was used so, I believe in a Rapture of the Church.  I believe in a literal Revelation and ALL of this book will come true Word for Word. (But I am truly ok if you take a different view( as many do)  I believe that God first revealed himself to Israel, then to the Gentiles (Church) and then the Rapture will occur when CHrist will come and take believers before the tribulation occurs (Chapter 4).  The Great Tribulation is a time when severe calamities will occur and people who come to know Christ then will still suffer greatly.  Then the second coming of Christ will occur on earth and He will reign for what is called the Millenium here on earth and then finally there is a Final Judgment when the earth will cease to exist.
Chapter 4 speaks in vision and if you remember Ezekiel this lines up exact!  What all of it means I really don’t know and I think it is dangerous to think we can “figure” it all out.  Some scholars have represented the 24 elders and the uniting of the Old Testament and the New Testament with the 12 Tribes and the 12 chosen Disciples. 
The four creatures  may represent the four attributes of Jesus
  • Lion is Power
  • Ox is faithfulness
  • Man is intelligent
  • Eagle is Sovereignty.
But I also think it might me
  • Lion is KING!
  • Ox as a SACRIFICE
  • Man as The Christ (Perfect)  Man
  • Eagle as Sovereign and Supreme
So now we begin to read of the End Times and what it will be like.  There is a scroll with seven seals that only Jesus is worthy of opening.  Note the constant comparison between Lion and Lamb.  He is The King of Kings yet He was willing to take our place against sin as a Sacrifice to overcome satan’s grip on us.  So tomorrow we will jump into the 7 years of tribulation, the seven seals broken…
If you want to prepare for what you about to read so that none of this comes as a shock take a few Minutes to read Matthew 24 again.  Jesus has already told us the story and warning of his unveiling.


  1. Just as I posted in BethMoore book, I really like 1:3 : " Blesed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it, for the time is near." That is so comforting ......

    I also like 1:8 " He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see him.".....That sounds so incredibly AWESOME! WE marked in Beth Moore book that it also says in Matthew 24:27-31 that Christ come from east in clouds and everyone will know.

    Seven Churches:
    Loveless Church
    Persecuted Church
    Compromising Church
    Corrupt Church
    Dead Church
    Faithful Church
    Lukewarm Church

    Each church receives comments on what they have done good and bad. Each receives warnings and promises of what is to come.

    My favorite part of these chapters is description of the throne room. There is emerald rainbow around the throne. Around the throne are 24 24 thrones with 24 elders in white robes and gold crowns. There are 7 lamps of fire burning, which are the 7 spirits of God. There is a sea of glass. There are 4 living creatures around the throne: lion, cal, man, eagle. All creatures had 6 wings and were full of eyes. They say day and night..."Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come!"

    Another part that really rives a visual is when the scroll was to be opened , but only a lamb could open it. the lamb appeared as though it had been slain and had 7 horns and 7 eyes. The Lamb is Jesus, who gave his blood for us.

  2. Yes...I like that throne room, too! It is "theocentric"...all revolves around God....not us!!!!
