Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.

Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.
After you read, feel free to make a comment or ask a question in the comment box. You can sign up as a follower on the right, or you can sign up by e-mail at the bottom if you would like to follow the whole year. You may also chose to simply read along and make no comments. Whatever you choose. If you fall behind, as most people will do, don't worry...the whole year is here and you can catch up at your own speed. I highly encourage you to stick with it, If you read the Bible, you are going to mine some real jewels and insights.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Luke 17:11-18:14

Jesus heals 10 men with Leprosy and only one thanks him...what does this say to you?

Jesus teaches about the coming of the kingdom of God....there will be no warning when Jesus comes back...the Pharisees were trying to figure out the signs.  When Jesus comes, everyone will know that it is Jesus.....he will come suddenly and there will be no second chances.  The vulture verse seemed random to me, but apparently it was a proverb...one vulture circling overhead does not mean much, but a gathering of vultures means that a dead body is nearby.  Likewise, one sign of the end may not be significant, but when many signs occur, the second coming is near.  So, we may know we are approaching end times, but no one knows the exact moment Jesus is going to come back....this is why men can't predict...remember that older man who had the whole end time thing be calculated out.  His following sold all their possessions because they had listened to their leader......I just don't understand these things, because it is quite clear in scripture that we can't count down the time that Jesus is coming!  I guess that is why we have fortune tellers and tarot cards and things of that nature....

Jesus talks about persistent prayer illustrated through the parable of the persistent widow.....he tells a parable about two men who prayed.   If you are confident in your righteousness, you better watch out.  If you feel less than humble, let that be a warning to you and me!!!

John 11

Now we have read about how Jesus loves to go to Mary and Martha and Lazurus' home.  Jesus loved this family.  Lazurus gets very sick and the sisters send word to Jesus.  Jesus replies:

This sickness will not end in death.  No, it is for God's glory so that God's Son may be glorified through it.

What would you think if you heard this message and knew that Jesus was a great healer along with his other miracles.  Would you be surprised if your brother died?

Jesus tells the disciples:

Our friend Lazarus  has fallen asleep: but I am going there to wake him up.

Jesus deliberately was not there so that he could teach about resurrection.....Jesus comforts Mary and Martha.  They both tell him that they knew if he were there that Lazarus would not have died.....Look at verse 33 where Jesus was deeply moved in spirit and troubled.....there is emotion in our Jesus.   As a side note, the shortest verse in the Bible is versed 35:  Jesus wept.

Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead...he wanted the stone rolled away and Martha says, by this time there is a bad odor, for he has been there four days.   Note that Jesus thanks God and tells Lazarus to come out...and he does, wrapped in his grave clothes.

I am the resurrection and the life.  He who believes in  me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.  Do you believe this?  This was a major object lesson and teaching moment for Jesus.....but yet, guess what the religious leaders do?  Remember the name Caiaphas...he will have a major role coming up.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Luke 16-17:10

We begin to look at the love of money...a rich man had a dishonest manager.   He acted shrewdly to save himself by cutting deals.  The people of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own kind than are the people of the light.  I tell you, use worldy wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings.  We are supposed to make wise use of the financial opportunities we have, not to earn heaven, but so that heaven will be a welcome experience for those we help.   If we use our  money to help those in need or to help others find Christ, our earthly investment will bring eternal benefit.....this is from my study bible and I loved that interpretation.  We aren't to hoard wealth for ourselves...we are given financial blessings to help others.... The Pharisees hated these lessons because they felt God gave financial blessings of you were good and followed the law.   Jesus pointed out that John the Baptist's ministry was the dividing line between the Old and New Testaments.   Jesus emphasized that his kingdom fulfilled the law (Old Testament) but did not cancel it.   Basically, the Pharisees were stuck in Moses.

Jesus tells about the Rich Man and the Beggar...this Lazarus is different that the one that was raised from the dead.  The Rich man tries to repent from Hades, but it is too late.  He wants to warn his brothers, but Jesus says that if they didn't listen to Moses, they weren't going to listen to anyone risen from the dead......what foreshadowing this is!  Remember that Jesus is on the way to Jerusalem to die....

Luke 14-15

Dr. Luke talks about a man with dropsy....an abnormal accumulation of fluid in bodily tissues and cavities....he identifies this man's disease as a doctor.

Interesting that Jesus would go to a  Pharisees home....he wasn't afraid to face him and knew the Pharisee was specifically trying to trap him and didn't get trapped.

Jesus Teaches about seeking honor by talking about not going and selecting the best seats at a wedding banquet...everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.  The kingdom of God is "backward" from what culture taught then and now.

Jesus Tells the Parable of the Great Feast...see Revelation 19: 6-9...Jesus replaces anything we have suffered  for him with something better.  This wedding supper of the Lamb is when God and his church will be joined forever.  Jesus then teaches about he Cost of Being a Disciple....He isn't talking about truly hating the biological members of your family...He is saying that Jesus has to come first if we follow Him.  My favorite part is the salt referenced.....we are the salt as Christians, if we lose our flavor in the world, we are useless and can't prevent decay.  I think the Pharisees lost their flavor.

Chapter 15 talks about lost things.....the sheep strayed...the coin was lost through no fault of its own....the son left out of selfishness.   You can be lost in many different ways.   Prodigal is a Greek word meaning "wild".  The word is Astos:  which also means profligately, riotously, prodigally....Asotia-means having no hope of safety.  Remember that the New Testament is written in Greek.   If you have no hope of safety, you are lost...you are away from God's protection by your choices in some cases....but the Father will leave the saved to come find that one lost soul.   Do you see what you are worth to God?  Really???????

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Luke 12-13

Luke our doctor by occupation records Jesus speaking against hypocrisy.  God knows everything-nothing is hidden from him, so if you are just going through the ritual and your heart isn't in it, God knows it. God knows if you are on TV and preaching and then you treat your family badly that you are a hypocrite....God knows if you are in front of people singing and it is all about you rather than all about Him......God knows if you read your Bible everyday and then turn around and gossip that you are going through the motions.......examine your heart, or better yet, let Him

We have the parable of the rich fool...how would you like yourself recorded in the Bible under that heading?  The rich man died because he wanted to store up treasures only for himself....Ironically, he didn't get to use them because he died the very night that he thought about what to do with his crop.

Jesus warns about worry...we've all been there.....we don't need to waste time worrying about the "what if-s"...this means we are not trusting God.

Jesus warns about Preparing for His Coming...we need to be ready at all times, because we don't know when He is coming We do know that He is coming, just not when.

Jesus warns about coming division....do you think that we may be experiencing any of this now?

Jesus warns about future crisis.  This was a major farm culture and the farmers had to be very aware of the weather as it related to their crops.   Jesus says, "How is it that you don't know how to interpret this present time?"....Question for you...what do you think "this present time" is?

In chapter 13, Jesus calls the people to repent.  Jesus talks about people who had died in an accident....Jesus was telling them that if people didn't all repent, that they to would perish......no eternal life.  A person needs to be bearing good fruit as a witness of Jesus' kingdom, or he would perish as a non-believer.

Jesus Heals a Crippled woman......pretty cool that our Dr. Luke focuses on healing.   Jesus gets nailed for doing this on the Sabbath.  The Synagogue ruler  gets called a hypocrite by Jesus OUCH!!!!!!

Jesus teaches about the Kingdom of God...there is your mustard seed again, Bonnie!

Jesus teaches about entering the kingdom......Jesus is the narrow door.   People are going to be surprised when they think they are going to heaven and the door is locked to them.   These people aren't going to heaven simply by having Abraham as a relative.

Jesus Grieves over Jerusalem.....his chosen city has rejected prophets and now Jesus.   Jesus wanted to nurture and protect them.......Jerusalem makes a choice.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Luke 10-11; John 10:22-42

Jersey Patricia amused me today about what her readers might be thinking...she also gives an excellent historical definition as it relates to a feast that I want you to read and digest:

Luke 10:  Did you think “oh we read this before?” He sent them out last week?  Noooo we did not.  This is not the 12 Disciples.   Look at the first line “After this?”  After what?  After He sent out the 12 He now sends out 72! (But in the same manner as the 12) .  What are we watching unfold here?  Matthew 13:31.  The Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed…”.  We went from 12 to 72….and it grows and grows and grows…..
Then another reminder that Satan was once in Heaven (verse 18).  If you want to read more about this go to Isaiah 14:12.
It’s amazing isn’t it!  The same mission the Disciples had now the followers now have. They went out in two’s (who is your spiritual encourager).  Then there was a story that got my attention.  The one of Pride.  Ouch.  That was the sin that made Satan fall from Heaven and often it is the one that gets us the most in the wrong place.
The Good Samaritan.  We throw that phrase around WAY too loosely if you ask me.  Opening the door for someone is not being a good Samaritan.  Read it!  You have 3 Characters:
  1. A Priest
  2. A Levite
  3. A Good Samaritan
What is the definition of mercy? (Not Christ’s Mercy on us, but when He says “I desire mercy, not sacrifice”
Mercy (Greek is Eleos) meaning kindness or good will towards the miserable and the afflicted, joined with a desire to help them.
John 10:22.  The Feast of Dedication. Hmmmm if you have  been with me since Day 1 Genesis you might be like..huh?  We deeply studied all  the Feasts and that is one that I don’tremember studying.  Well…that is because it occurred in the 400 years in between the Old Testament and the New Testament.  If you have a Study Bible there usually is a section in between the 2 that describes the 4 periods that occurred. I  totally encourage you to read it.  But here is the really condensed version.  After Alexander the Great died,   4 generals took his reign.  Out of one of the 4 was Antiochus Epiphanes (a foreshadow of the Antichrist).  He strongly persecuted the Jews and to make a long story short:  a priestly family called the Maccabees attacked this huge army and actually won.  A remembrance of this day and the rededication of the temple, occurs once a year and in custom of lighting their candles this night,  the Day is called the Festival of Lights or the Feast of Dedications, or as you and I know it as Hanukkah.  Pretty cool huh.
So since we are reading this in order we know that the Feast for Tabernacles was October and Hanukkah is December, so two months has passed now.  Solomon’s Colonnade is inside them temple (like a walkway with a roof) in the courtyard.  He was here before, right.  Notice that the Jews pick up a stone to kill him every time he claims to be God.
If we were underlining Biblical Doctrine, this would be one of those days.  Can you lose your salvation?  No. John 10:29.  “If” you are really His…He will protect your salvation for LIFE.
And we end with Jesus retreating back to safe ground for it is not time yet for him to give his life.

Monday, October 24, 2011

John 9:1-10:21

Jesus heals a man who was born blind.   I love that Jesus meets needs without being asked to do so at times.   In that culture, Jews thought that if someone had health issues that they or their parents had sinned.  In this case, Jesus tells us that the man was born blind so that he could be healed and credit the glory to God.

Bonnie:  here is the pool of Siloam again...Jesus told the healed blind man to wash in the Pool of Siloam.  He then began to be a witness of God's power as the people questioned him.  The Pharisees were jealous of Jesus' increasing popularity.   The healed blind man's faith was severely tested by them...he was evicted from the synagogue.....he got spiritual eyes opened along with his physical eyes opened.  Then the Pharisees were shocked that Jesus thought they were spiritually blind.  Sin can blind!!!!!!

The next account is Jesus as the Good Shepherd....Jesus is the gate in this story.   He is the ONLY way to get to God.  The whole purpose of this story is in verse 10:10-"I have come that they may have live, and have it to the full". Also, Jesus points out that he didn't come just for the Jews:  look at verse 16: I have other sheep that are ot of this sheep pen.  I must bring them also.  They too will listen to  my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd.  That is US-the Gentiles.  Verses 17 and 18 talk about Jesus' death and resurrection:

The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life-only to take it up again.  No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord.

At these words the Jews were divided.....what do you think you would have done if you heard those kinds of words?  Would you focus in on your faith?  Would you be skeptical?

Sunday, October 23, 2011

John 7-8

John, the youngest of the disciples and the one that self proclaims, "The one Jesus loved" has a purpose in his gospel to prove that Jesus is the son of God, and all who believe in Him will have eternal life.   These two chapters meet the goal......Jersey Patricia packages our "gift" today:

The Gospel, like most of the Bible is collaborated topical.  So the parables were grouped together, then the miracles were grouped together…get it.  The way we are reading it now really shows the footsteps Jesus made for us.  Notice that most of the readings start with a time transition.  Today we start again with  “after this…” after what? After He preached to the disciples…He then is about to go back to Judea.  NOw remember he has not been there is a year and a half.  The last time he was there they plotted to kill him for healing on the Sabbath, in that year and a half it was not “his time (to die) so he didn’t even venture back (the Temple) for the Passover.  Instead he broke bread with 5000 on a field.  :)   
So now the people are celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles (about 6 months away from Passover…THE PASSOVER).  I had to go back and look the Tabernacle Feast up in the laws…I am telling you my memory scares me…what was I talking about again….?  Oh yeah, the Feast of Tabernacles…Leviticus 23:34 (If you wonder how I knew that,  look in your margin next to John 7:2…there is a cross  reference to it).  I HIGHLY recommend you go back and readLeviticus 23 (retold in Duet 16).  The Feasts of Tabernacle was celebrated in October on our calendar and it involved the whole family.  They would live in booths for this feast and read the scriptures, this was a celebration and remembrance of God’s provision and direction during their time in the Desert , before entering the Promise Land.
Oh!  Let’s talk about Chapter 7 the last and greatest day of the feast (look at verse verse 37).  On the last day they would go to the Pool of Siloam and offer the Water to God and read from the Scriptures of Isaiah, probably Isaiah 55
But Jesus wasn’t talking about this water, He was talking about the living water, the Holy Spirit (this will not happen till Pentecost).  Ohhh the Stir He was creating!  All this talk, on the last day of the Feast, in front of the Jewish Council, his own brothers there probably bowing their heads in embarrassment (not believers yet) and people still trying to figure out if He is the Prophet Elijah  Was Jesus the Prophet?  no he was THE PROPHET!  The Christ! meaning The Messiah…the Annointed One.
Verse 50.  NICODEMUS!  DO you remember him?  The Pharisee that came in the middle of the night to talk to Jesus in secret so his friends on the San Hedrin didn’t know his heart was stirring with all this.  Now look at him!  He is saying “uhhhh guys, shouldn’t we hear him out?”
By the way, the comment about Galillee…You probably figured it out by now…What good could come from a GENTILE nation??
By the way I know we spent a lot of time this year on “background” information, but isn’t it great to “get” the 5W’s.  Like, when Jesus is in Judea, the Pharisees have jurisdiction and could arrest him so the moments are very tense compared to when Jesus is in Samaria or Galilee (Roman Ruled) so it is a different feel when He teaches.
Chapter 8.  Read into Chapter 8 and stop at verse 6.  First, where is the man? Levitical law says that both would be stoned? But right here in verse 6 it says this was a trap.  How? The teachers of the Law and the Pharisees knew (thought) it was a lose/lose situation. 
  • If Jesus said she should be stoned then he would be in violation of the Roman Law because Jews could not carry out the death penalty
  • If Jesus said she should not be stoned Jesus was in violation of the Law of Moses which says she should be stoned.
Either way they think they have him trapped. (But it was not His time!!).  Of course Jesus uses this scenario to teach the world a beautiful lesson about judging others and looking in the mirror first!
Last but far from least, I want to explain the sudden reaction of the Jews.  These are men of law, and scripture.  This is what they know:
anyone who blasphemes the name of the LORD must be put to death. The entire assembly must stone him. Whether an alien or native-born, when he blasphemes the Name, he must be put to death.   Leviticus 24:16
WOW, a lot in Chapter 8…rather than me write about it, I think it is best just to sit and think about some of what Jesus is saying.  If we are not with Jesus we are with the devil.  It is VERY black and white.  Look at 8:56 too….Abraham saw it.  What did Abraham see?  He saw the CROSS.  He saw that Faith brings in a substitutionary death.  Stop and read Genesis 22…look at the symbolism of seeing how we belong on that Alter and God will provide an innocent substitute to take it all for us.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Matthew 18

Matthew writes that true greatness is like that of a child:  humility.  Children were basically servants in the first century and Jesus praises this humility as well as anyone who "welcomes one such child"

Matthew writes about Jesus telling us not to put any kind of stumbling block in someone's way that would cause them to sin.  This could be someone perhaps putting an alcoholic in a position to want to drink, or if someone's religion prohibits them from eating a certain thing for you to eat that certain thing in front of them.  Basically, you are tempting them to sin.  Then Jesus moves into metaphors where you tempt yourself....he really doesn't want you to pluck an eye out, but he is pointing out how serious this is.

The parable of the lost sheep shows that Jesus focuses on the one that strays.   The other 99 are doing what they should be doing, and Jesus is glad, he simply wants none to perish.

Reproving one who sins....this is the way that Christians are supposed to handle discipline.  The whole point is that Jesus doesn't want anyone cast away from the fellowship.  Can you imagine how Matthew felt having to write, If the member refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if the offender refuses to listen even to the church, let such a one be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector.   Matthew was a Jewish TAX COLLECTOR.   He knew how it felt to be cast away from the fellowship (the Christians)  The Jews hated Matthew because he collected tax from his own people for the Romans.

Then there is the famous part of forgiveness.  Peter thought he was being generous when he said, Should we forgive them 7 times?   And basically Jesus said, forgive as much as it takes!   He moved into the parable of the unforgiving servant who had his debts forgiven, and then did not forgive the debts to him.  The king locked him up....Forgiveness of us is tied directly to our forgiveness of others.   Remember, you don't have to do it on your own...you have the Holy Spirit to help you.....(thank goodness, because I am working through a situation right now and it is not fun)

Friday, October 21, 2011

Matthew 17; Mark 9; Luke 9:28-62

The transfiguration......LOVE IT....
Jesus allowed some chosen disciples to see the divine part of him.  As Beth Moore describes it, Jesus unzipped his humanity to allow  a glimpse of his divinity to show.   I love that visual.   THEN Moses and Elijah are seen.  Can you imagine what the disciples were thinking?   Moses was there to represent the Law and Elijah was there to represent the prophets.   Malachi said that Elijah had to come before Jesus, and this happened with John the Baptist being the last of the Old Testament prophets.  In other words, John the Baptist represented Elijah's role.  (There was no reincarnation going on)  Then a cloud comes over them and a voice says, "This is my son...."....OK there you have it CONFIRMATION FROM GOD.    No more wondering (if you were).  Jesus tells the disciples not to share this, because they simply don't know enough to share....they don't have the full education necessary.  Jesus was showing them a glimpse and they still did not understand "rising from the dead"  that Jesus was talking about.

Then from a Spiritual high, to a demon possessed boy....many times there is something ugly following a spiritual high.  The disciples could not get the demon out and Jesus told them that "This kind can only come out by prayer"

The disciples argue about who would be the greatest....Jesus knew their thoughts and used it as a teaching moment.   The first would be the last in the kingdom of God.

Jesus warns about temptatiom....I love the object lesson of the SALT because that is a little ministry I adopted when giving out my salt shakers I collect.    All offerings should have salt on them.  See Leviticus 2:13...this is a rememberence of God's faithfulness.  Salt also keeps decay away and we should counteract that decay as Christians.  Jesus fufills Isaiah in this section with:

their worm does not die
and the fire is not quenched.

To the Jews worms and fire depicted internal and external pain...Jesus was talking about eternal consequences of sin.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Matthew 16, Mark 8, Luke 9:18-27

I really enjoyed today's read...so much in those pages.  I went to see what Patricia had to say in Jersey, and it intrigued me along with the questions some of her followers had.   Though there are a lot of mis-spellings (I profess to be a violater when I get going fast!), stick with it and see if you have your own questions.

Matt 16; Mark 8; Luke 9:18-27

Notes:  you may not need them, just thought I would take each section and make a little note of interest today.  If you are not interested go straight to the bottom for a VOTE.
The read today will open up with the Pharisees and the Sadducees coming to Jesus.  Wee need to realize how strong a message that sends.  That is like saying The Republicans  AND the Democrats came together to talk to someone.  That is how strong a figure Jesus was when he preached, the political and religious stir He was creating was incredible!
Also, I never really picked up the reference to Jonah so much in Jesus’ Ministry. Anyway, the book of Jonah may be only 4 chapters but people it is CHOCK FULL O’ GOD’s Message!  Every year I read it God allows me to see more and more.   Obedience, repentance, Salvation…today is Resurrection.  The Sign of Jonah (3 days in the Belly) refers here with Jesus words,  the death and resurrection (3 days)!
The Yeast!  I was sooooo humbled by this today.  I will write it in comments in case your not that interested.  :) (I don’t blame you…lol)
Peter HUGE READ TODAY (they all are though) .  First let’s go back to John 6, the last paragraph.  Many Jews, including the disciples categorized Jesus as the great Prophet, such as Elijah or Jeremiah.   Peter called Jesus A Holy One of God  back in John 6, but here, months later, Peter refers to Jesus as The Christ! The Son of the Living God.  WOW.  Now that is music to Jesus’ ears!  Peter (Simon) has just professed the key to Heaven! So for 2.5 years even the disciples questioned who Jesus  was.  They knew he was a Holy one from God, and the scriptures said that a great Prophet (Elijah) would come a proclaim that the Messiah was to come.  Was Jesus the Prophet or the Messiah?  Peter finally professes here that He is the Messiah.  Jesus is the Christ!  So maybe tomorrow a little transfiguration will bring  2 or 3 witnesses to believe (by the way that is a Levitical law)
On this Rock I will build my Church.  There is more than 1 layer to this.  First, let’s get our geography lesson.  Caesarea Philippi.  Well this week we looked at the Herod Family Tree print out as well as Maps of the tetrarch area right?  (sure you did) So Jesus obviously headed north and just by the Name including the word Caesar you can imagine the type of living that went on there (ummm picture Vegas, Caesar Palace), anyway it is also situated on a huge ROCK cliff and we all know that when Jesus preached He was a very very visual teacher (most of us are visual learners right?) so picture Jesus standing there, not only on a Rock but on the Profession of faith from the Rock (Peter “Simon” name was changed to Cephas meaning the Rock), as well as a foundation illustration (did you get all that)    Here is a picture of the location
The Rock
Notice the grotto, a place of sacrifice to the god Pan, also believed to be hades or the place of the dead. They would sacrifice their children to appease Pan.  This is where Matt 16 took place, vs. 18: “I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.”
Then finaly The Prediciton! WOW.  But here is the deal…I think we as Christians are afraid to humble oursleves and ask others “what does that mean? Or I am not sure I get that”.  Listen to me, if you think so much of yourself that you think you can peel off ALL of God’s Word in one, two, or 10 reads…think again.
So do you stuggle with any of theses:

13 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by brittany devaul on October 20, 2010 at 7:11 am
    The yeast example with false teaching?
  2. The false teaching! WOW….love this one. The Pahrisses were teaching “man-made” laws. Jesus is saying BE VERY CAREFUL OF THIS! It is like a drop of yeast it will GROW into something big…so beware of this.
    Two Saturdays ago I met a girl at a friends house. We got into talking and if you know me I cannot contain myself somehow Jesus is going to come out of my mouth. She was new to the area so I invited her to church. Her wise mouth daughter said “I aint going to any other church than ours!!” and the mom said .. “Honey, relax! Once you get your Sacraments you are good to go. You can do anyting after that”.
    A little yeast planted in the year 300 AD that grew. Just saying.
  3. Posted by Joy Joy on October 20, 2010 at 7:48 am
    I think yeast also refers to sin throughout the Bible, doeesn’t it?
    Ok, WOW, to your story above.
  4. Most times it does. There is one time where it is actualy referred to in a good sense, how the church wil be like yeast (we already read it in Matthew this week) but this time is is referring to the effects of Falsr Teachings. Yes my Joy Joy….all throughout the OT it is a symbol of sin and that is why they leave yeast out of their bread. Unfortunatley they never understood the forseshadow and the fulfillment of this and they still eat Matzah today :( so they don’t break the law.
  5. Posted by Erica on October 20, 2010 at 8:08 am
    When Jesus says he will build his church on this rock, is he referring to peter’s profession that jesus is the Christ?
    I think I kind of understand about Jesus saying behind me Satan but will you explain?
  6. Posted by brittany devault on October 20, 2010 at 8:26 am
    good explanation trish. that totally makes sense. that story great example!
  7. Posted by brittany devault on October 20, 2010 at 8:28 am
    just a little bit of false teaching can spread like wildfire and before long people are practicing man made docturines…..
  8. Posted by Tedi on October 20, 2010 at 9:31 am
    I want to jump in here on the discussion of who the ‘rock’ refers to. In my New Schofield Reference Edition, it reads, concerning, Matt. 16:18:
    In the Greek there is a play upon words in this statement: “Thou art Peter [petros, a stone], and upon this rock [petra, a massive rock] I will build my church.” It is upon Christ Himself that the Church is built.
    Also in 1 Peter 2:6, Peter refers to Jesus as the ‘chief cornerstone.’ He goes on to say, that he is elect and precious and that if we believe on Him we shall not be confounded (confused).
    Here are other verses that refer to Christ as the Stone: Genesis 49: 24; Exodus 17:6
  9. Posted by Kathy Bunce on October 20, 2010 at 9:39 pm
    Ok, I am reading late today… but finally here…
    I am wondering why sometimes Jesus chose to heal people with touch (was it yesterday’s reading that he put his fingers in the ears, and then on his eyes, and today he put spit on the man’s eyes?) and other times he healed with merely a word? Also, why did he heal the man today in 2 stages instead of all at once?
    Also, what do you think about Matt 16:19. “And I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. Whatever you lock on earth will be locked in heaven, and whatever you open on earth will be opened in heaven.” I had to think about this one for awhile and this is what I came up with. The keys are the Good News. We have the opportunity to tell others the Good News and they then either hear and believe therefore heaven is opened up to them, or they do not believe and (if they continue on not believing) seal their eternal fate of not entering heaven (it remains locked). Is that right?
  10. Just a quick note to say I’m reading along, while in Disney w/ the family…typing is not easy on my phone, but you guys keep the good discussions going! Thx!
  11. Tedi, I love your comment. I am actuay working 2 1/2 jobs right now so that is why you see me disappear for about 14 hours with no comments :(
    But they come to my phone and it the best part of my day….
  12. Posted by Shannah Creel on October 29, 2010 at 2:53 pm
    I’m a little behind and have a question about Jesus asking the disciples not to tell anyone that he’s Christ. Is this the same reason he stays away from Jeruselum–so the Pharisees don’t kill him? Is that right?
  13. Posted by Erica on October 30, 2010 at 10:21 am
    Hi Shannah, I believe that’s right. It wasn’t Jesus’ time to die yet so he was trying not to stir up more trouble just yet. He had more teaching to do.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Matthew 15, Mark 7

Good stuff from Patricia in New Jersey today....I love to share her excitement and perspective...

 Hello!  Am I the only one that wakes up excited about what we might be reading today?  Another awesome day of Jesus’ teachings.  A few thing in background I want to touch on that will put some extra depth into the reading (not that it needs it of course) but here are a few background points.
  • When the Jews came out of captivity and returned to Jerusalem religious parties such as Pharisees, Teachers (Scribes), Sadducees…made laws around the laws to not come NEAR breaking the actual law.  Having centuries of this you can imagine some major man-made “religion” was made.  Most often when a man made law is created, people are more concerned with that law than God’s Law.
  • Tradition.  Good or Bad?  Depends.  Tradition should be created to help us understand and celebrate God’s perfect law and history.  We never should add or take away from it, often times the tradition becomes the focal point, not God.  Example: Hanukkah or Communion is a tradition, confession to a priest is a man made law.   
  • Corban (Korban).   Corban meaning “offering” is a practice or vow that gives the money that would normally go to their parents to support them to the temple instead.  It was a way of neglecting their responsibility of taking care of their elders.  I am not trying to make a parallel here for you,  but have you ever been prompted to help someone OR an organization and you say “well, I give money to the church…let them handle it”.  Corban.
  • Clean vs. Unclean.  Very important to understand that Jesus is not coming on the scene like a renegade disputing God’s Law layed out in Leviticus on ‘unclean’ food.  That was a very necessary law for the Jews to be Set Apart from the rest of the world.  They were to eat different, look different, act different…to be Holy, Set Apart.  Not to conform!  Are you hearing me…it wasn’t the food that made them unclean it was the conformity to the rest of the world that polluted them.  Here Jesus is saying…the food doesn’t make you “unclean” it is what is on your heart!  Hard concept for ‘Task Oriented’ religions.
Next we read about the woman. Tyre and Sidon…sound familiar?? If you read the Old Testament with us it would.  In 2 Samuel,  the life of King David,  Tyre was a wealthy city that was friendly with the Jewish nation, however being a strong Canaanite city over time they became so wicked they even called their own kings ‘gods’.  When Jerusalem was destroyed finally in 586 B.C. Tyre celebrated and rejoiced (in Ezekiel 28) because now they would flourish even more without  competition.  When we read the Prophecy books all summer we read over and over about the punishment Tyre and Sidon would receive for their evil ways.   So here we have Jesus heading NORTH out of Capernaum and going even further from Jerusalem towards Tyre then Sidon.  Does it amaze you that the persons furthest from a temple, 3o miles away from the seen miracles, even further from the Temple…would have more Faith then the ones that saw it all!  By the way this is NOT the first time this happened here!!!
  • Go back to 1 Kings 17,  Click here to read, remember the great Prophet Elijah!  He went to Zarpetheth, Sidon and was with a widow (a Canaanite woman) and her sick daughter.  Foreshadow is incredible isn’t it!!
Finally, I am hoping that reading this chronologically although frustrating in “flipping” around shows us the journey Jesus took in order to fulfill the scriptures.  I am amazed at how many miracles he actually performed (and these are just the recorded ones), I am realizing how much time Jesus spent in the Gentile nations, using the Jewish Disciples, as instruments for his message to ALL.  The read ends with ANOTHER (I didn’t realize Jesus did this twice) feeding of the masses! And it ends with Jesus headed back to the Sea of Galilee)

6 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by Tedi on October 19, 2010 at 7:32 am
    Yes, Dear Friend, I too am awakened early, eager to hear the word of God. I’m so thankful for this study and look forward throughout the day to see how the Lord will use the morning teaching to be passed on at some point during the day. (Kimberly and I are going to vote today…:)
  2. Posted by cassity on October 19, 2010 at 10:16 am
    Hi Trish I’m back. So happy to be reading with you all again. Back with all the questions though, lol. I don’t understand why Jesus talked about the dogs to the woman with the daughter possessed.
  3. Posted by Candy Dillon on October 19, 2010 at 11:23 am
    Yes Trish, I am excited every morning to see what we are going to read and what message I will receive that day. So excited my cousin told me about this.
    Like Cassity I too am confused about the dogs. Did he think of her family as dogs since she wasn’t from Israel? I also am confussed about feeding 4000 men plus children and women. How many times did Jesus do this? Obviously more than once.
  4. Posted by Stephanie Meadows #3584 on October 19, 2010 at 3:10 pm
    hoping you can help me with 23-28. at first it seems he’s not going to help the woman, he doesnt’ even speak to her. then he says something about taking food from the children and giving to dogs. Her reply somehow means she has great faith. I’m not getting this parrable-guess I’m as dull as Peter.
  5. Posted by Stephanie Meadows #3584 on October 19, 2010 at 3:13 pm
    oh wait, I might have it-not sure though. So, are the children the Jews adn the dogs are us, the gentiles? So He says it’s not right to take from the Jewish to give to the gentiles?
    Then she says right, but even we gentiles want the crumbs from His table.
    Is that right???
  6. To Cassity: The gentiles were referred to as by many of the Jews as “dogs”. This woman knew that even in reference that Jesus COULD give her a crumb…and this woman had not foundation of the Scriptures…that is FAITH.
    Candy, Jesus did it twice (recorded). Jesus could not go into Jerusalem for the required feasts (if he had they may have killed him and it was not his time yet) so this may very well be on the day of feast or passover for him.
    Yup Stephanie….you got it. See God reveals Scriptures to us as we need them…never all at once.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

John 6

Another account of Jesus feeding the 5000.....when things are repeated, remember, we are to take notice.  I love John's  account of Jesus walking on the water because it shos that distance is nullified by his powers...  look at verse 19....they were out 2-3 miles.  When they took Jesus into the boat..IMMEDIATELY the boat reached the shore where they were heading.

Here is a beautiful description of how Jesus is the true bread of heaven...remember the post from yesterday?

The Jews (religious leaders)  disagree that Jesus if from Heaven....they deliberately twist what Jesus says and think He is talking about canibalism....

Many disciples then desert Jesus..remember that Jesus was traveling with more than just the 12.    It was getting kind of "hard" now, and some weren't willing to do it any more.  Peter again says that he recognizes that Jesus is the Holy One of God.  Even here, Jesus knows what Judas is going to do.  Do you think Judas knew then?  

Matthew 14; Mark 6; Luke 9: 1-17

Poor John the Baptist...what an unfortunate demise.    He had called out Herodius because she left Herod's brother and came to Herod....she was embarrassed and nursed a grudge.  An opportunity came when her daughter danced for Herod and he gave the age-old "blessing" about "what do you want, you can have up to half of my kingdom" and she went and asked Old Mamma and her deviousness made her ask for John the Baptists' head on a plate.....more embarrassment ensued because Herod couldn't save face and not do it.  John's disciples came and got the body and buried it and told Jesus.

We have the feeding of the 5,000 from Matthew's perspective.   Jesus was testing Philip the disciple in another gospel account, when he asked, "How should we feed this crowd?"  Jesus already had a plan and wanted to see what Philip would say.   Fishes and Loaves save the day, and notice that there were 12 baskets of bread left.   Also remember that God provided the 12 tribes manna (bread).   Jesus/God is the bread of life.  We have bread at communion to commemorate this.

Jesus walks on water and Peter tried it.  When he walked and focused on Jesus, he was fine.  When he got distracted by the storm, he began to sink.....what storms in your life are distracting you?  Are you sinking?

Mark gives us his account of a prophet having no honor in his hometown, feeding the 5000 and John the Baptist's death.  I am trying to reconcile why when Jesus walked on water in this account that the disciples hearts were hardened, but in Matthew's account, they knew He was the son of God. 

Luke tells of the sending out of the disciples and their supplies (or lack thereof) and we get the account of the feeding of the 5000.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Matthew 9-10

We get Matthew's view of Jesus healing a paralyzed man....everytime I see "Knowing their thoughts" I think about how awesome Jesus is......if He can read their thoughts, you know He can read ours.

We read about Matthew's call...he is the author of this book.  He was also known as Levi and was a tax collector appointed by the Romans.   He had to tax his own people and the tax collectors were hated because they charged high taxes and gouged their own people.   The Pharisees couldn't understand why Jesus would associate with the untouchables and I love what Jesus said:

"Is in not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick."

John the Baptist's disciples asked why Jesus didn't fast...the kingdom of God was like a wedding feast and Jesus was the bridegroom...it wasn't right to mourn or fast while the bridegroom was there.

We read Matthew's version of the bleeding woman and restoring Jairus' daughter to life.

Matthew tells us of Jesus healing the blind and mute...this fulfills Isaiah 29:18, 35:5....and Jesus teaches that the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.....people were ripe to give their lives to God if someone would show them how...we need to be prepared to lead people to God.....He will certainly help us.

Jesus then, sends out the 12 disciples....they were common men from all walks of life....he sent them to the Jews first so that the Jews could fufill their purpose of leading Gentiles and Samaritans to Christ.....unfortunately the Jews didn't all go along with that purpose.  The Disciples had to be prepared for persecution because it would surely come.   History shows us that it did.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Matthew 8:14-34; Mark 4-5

Couple of things to note....some of the gospel writers are eyewittnesses to what Jesus did and some are not.  Luke never met Jesus.   He traveled with Paul quite a bit and as a result, wrote Acts.  Mark, who was also known as John Mark met Jesus, but was not a disciple.   Scholars think that he got a lot of material from Peter, his friend.   Everything in terms of the Word is all divinely inspired by God, but some were eyewittnesse to Jesus' ministry and some were not.

Jesus healed Peter's mother-in-law, so we know from his that Peter was married...Jesus drove evil spirits out of people and this fulfilled Isaiah's words:

He took up our infirmities and carried our diseases.

Jesus may seem somewhat harsh in verse 22, but he know that disciple's heart....he may have been making an excuse because he wasn't fully ready to follow Jesus and Jesus knew it.  We read Matthew's account of the calming of the storm  and Jesus sending the Demons into a herd of pigs.  Isn't that interesting that the people pleaded with Jesus to leave their region?  Do you think they were scared of Jesus' supernatural powers?

Mark gives us his version of the parables Jesus told, the demons in the pigs, and raising Jairus' daughter.  Did you notice that Matthew talked of two men and Mark told of one?  Remember that these are humans giving their perspective..Matthew was an eyewitness, Mark was not....the message was clear however that Jesus dealt with the demon possession.......His power was stronger.   Mark tends to give a lot of focus to the supernatural struggles between Jesus and Satan.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Matthew 13, Luke 8

Parables are sometimes tough for me, so I revel in the fact that even the disciples asked Jesus, "Why do you speak in Parables?"   It is pretty cool that Jesus teaches not just head knowledge, but heart knowledge...the kingdom of God is not about intellectualism.  The knowledge is given to us about the kingdom of God, and Jesus refers to Isaiah where it was revealed to that prophet that a time would come when people would hear and not understand.    The Jews had to reject Jesus for the Gentiles to get into the "family".   Otherwise Jesus would have just come to the Jews.  Jesus came for everyone!!!!

All the Parables in this chapter teach about God and his kingdom.  Yeast in this parable is actually good.  In the Old  Testament, yeast was sin.   In this parable, the yeast is the good that spreads like the Gospel.  I like the one about the weeds....the weeds look just like the good crop in the beginning.  At harvest time (the coming of Jesus again), the weeks will be separated from the good crop.  This is a nice reminder not to judge people.  That is not our place....God knows everyone's heart and the weeks will be sifted away.

The kingdom of heaven is more valuable than anything we have now.   We really don't know the meaning of "riches"....thus, the pearl merchant and the hidden treasure parable.   And finally we see that Jesus hometown rejects him.  Don't you think it would be hard if your next door neighbor who you knew in all his/her humanity began proclaiming that they were the son of God?  What would you think?

In Luke, the herd of pigs is amazing.   Evil spirits ask permission to jump into the pigs to escape Jesus.  Keep in mind that pigs aren't kosher and Jews don't eat them.   However, some Gentile's money crop was destroyed.  The bleeding woman shows that Jesus loved women and that they were not second class citizens to him, like they were in that culture.  A menstuating woman was considered unclean and anyone who touched her would have to be purifed before worshiping.  She had been unclean for so long...think of how "outcast" she must feel...but she had faith in Jesus healing her.  Jesus also raised Jairius' daughter from death...I loved how the NIV says "her spirit returned".....

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Matthew 12: 22:50

The unpardonable sin.......my study Bible notes that some people get nervous that they may have blasphemed against the Holy Spirit....the Greek verb tense indicates that this would be a continuous and repetitive action.....this is intent.   Look at how Patricia sees it:

Let me start by saying, this is meat and potatoes.  This is not easy to break down.  I sat with a group of ladies a few weeks ago on this part of Matthew and it took 90 minutes just to discuss a few paragraphs, so my point is ASK QUESTIONS…I do.  Jesus talks about how it  is He who takes demons out and then rolls right into the:
The Unpardonable Sin. Matthew 12:30-32
“He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters. And so I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.
 Think on that.  If you say there is no such thing as the Holy Spirit, that is an unforgiving sin. Why is that unpardonable??  Why is that the ONLY Sin God will not forgive?  Because it takes Jesus off the Cross.   Jesus was in all his humanity the Son of God, but the resurrection was for us to have the Holy Spirit.  When we get to Pentecost I want you to be really fired up, right now we are reading the foreshadow of that to come.  The bi-product of Salvation IS the Holy Spirit.

What do you think?

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Matthew 11

We get Matthew's view of John the Baptist's doubts.    Do you think you might have some doubts if you were doing what you thought your mission was and you ended up in jail?

Jesus teaches his disciples about the kingdom and points out that John the Baptist took on Elijah's prophetic role.....it is a confrontation of sin and pointing to God....Jesus point out that the Pharisees are hypocrites and criticize with no consistency...they have no wisdom.

Jesus promises rest for the soul.   You can't take your burden on your own....the yoke that Jesus mentions is one that is always worn by two.....Jesus frees people from burdens if we let him.    Is there anything that you are trying to carry on your own?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Matthew 8:1-13; Luke 7

Jesus heals a man with leprosy.   In that day, this was the dreaded disease....you were isolated from your family forever, unless you recovered.  Notice that the priest had to decide if one was "well" or not, and then one had to be cleansed ceremoniously to be able to worship again.   This was major faith on the part of the leper, because by faith, he knew Jesus could heal him...he wanted to know if Jesus was willing.

I'm pretty impressed with this Roman centurion.....Notice "centur", which mean he had at least 100 men reporting to him.    He was also open minded because in Luke's version, we see that the Centurion helped build the synogogue......again we see emotions in Matthew's version....Jesus was "astonished" at the "pagan's" faith.   His own people reject him (at least the religious leaders).  The Centurion's faith was so strong that he knew Jesus didn't even have to be under the roof to heal the beloved servant.

Matthew 8:5 says the Roman centurion visited Jesus himself while Luke 7:3 says he sent Jewish elders to present his request to Jesus.  In dealing with the messengers, Jesus was dealing with the centurion.  For his Jewish audience, Matthew emphasized the man's faith.  For his Gentile audience, Luke highlighted the good relationship between the Jewish elders and the Roman centurion  (I highlighted that in my study bible long ago!)

And finally Jesus raises a widow's son from the dead....notice emotion in Jesus again....Luke 7:13 says "his heart went out to her".....this is Jesus illustrating the Salvation story!!!   Raising from the DEAD!!!!!  Yay!

John the Baptist has healthy doubt and Jesus can handle that......an amazing note I have is that everyone who comes after John has a greater spiritual heritage because they know the purpose of Jesus' death.....I am so glad Jesus put me on this side of the cross!

We conclude today with the former prostitute washing Jesus' feet with expensive perfume and her hair.  Jesus illustrates that she had more to forgive and with her debts cancelled, she loves him all the more.......Amazing line follows:  But he who has been forgiven little loves little.  This has been so true in my life....complacency or not having your faith tested makes you think you know the Lord, but until tough times come, or the tests that Jesus said would come to all our lives, in my opinion, you don't know about your own personal faith.  Sentence structure stinks, but I think you get the gist of what I mean.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Matthew 5-7

This is the Sermon on the Mount.   These are also called the Beatitudes.  This is the longest recorded sermon...Jesus is talking to the disciples and the others are listening in.  Jesus teaches about many things and He is the new covenant.   You cannot save yourself by the law.  We can't just "act better" because we want to.  We don't have the power to do it. The only way we can improve (work towards perfection or completeness) is to surrender to God and our flesh doesn't like it.  Self sufficiency vs. God sufficiency.  Jesus teaches about many things....what really stuck out to me is that Jesus is the only way to God.  The "gate" is narrow.  You can only get to God via Jesus.   If you don't believe that Jesus is the son of God and that He died and rose again from the dead to save us from sin, you don't get to God.  This is one of those non-negotiables.  What  was the most significant teaching to you?

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Matthew 12:1-21; Mark 3; Luke 6

We get several accounts of the disciples eating wheat on the Sabbath.  Gleaning, as we mentioned before, was perfectly legal.  They weren't harvesting.  Ironic that the Pharisees planned Jesus' death...do you think that was "legal" on the Sabbath.

Again, on the Sabbath, Jesus healed a man's withered hand.  Jesus knew exactly what the Pharisees were thinking.  Jesus again fufills words that Isaiah prophesied

I was intrigued with Mark's account of the man with the withered hand....He speaks of emotion that Jesus felt...He felt anger and he was deeply distressed.   It is not a sin to be angry...it is what you do with that anger.  Jesus chose to correct a problem.   Jesus had been doing his ministry and people followed him....he moves into selection of the 12 disciples....interesting that there were 12 tribes.  Coincidence?    My study Bible sees it as continuity between the old ways and the new.

Can you imagine anyone accusing Jesus of being under Satan's power????  We know how the story ends......Good triumphs over evil......Jesus says, "how can Satan drive out Satan?  If a kingdom is divided agaist itself, that kingdom cannot stand.   If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.  And if Satan opposes himself and is divided, he cannot stand; his end has come...and finally:

But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of an eternal sin......this is the continual act of rejection and unbelief along with unrepentance.

Luke moves into the Beatitudes or blessings...notice how the fathers treated the prophets and the false prophets.

And here is something that gets me everytime I read it:

If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even "sinners" love those who love them.....this is all in the Loving Your Enemies section...BECAUSE IT IS HARD!  Our flesh does not want to do this...

John 5

I am amazed at the readings where the Pharisees are after Jesus for doing things on the Sabbath...talk about being out to get someone that threatens your power.  A lame man is healed...for 38 years he had been used to this way of living....Jesus physically healed him...yes,this is a miracle, but the best kind of thing is that Jesus forgives him for his sins and tells him to sin no more.  The Jews aren't just angry here, they are so threatened that they want to kill Jesus.

Jesus publically claims to be God's son.  Verse 24 talks about how you can get everlasting life....believe in Jesus.  Man can cross from death (without God) to life (the everlasting life that is mentioned).

Jesus claims to be divine, and this is supported by what John the Baptist claimed.   The religious leaders knew that Jesus was coming, but they refused to believe that Jesus would come in this way.  The Pharisees prided themselves on Moses law and even added to it.  This is the old covenant.   No one can follow all aspects of the law.   Therefore, man deserves death.  Jesus is the new covenant, and He can promise eternal life if you believe in/on Him

Friday, October 7, 2011

Mark 2

Power struggles are everywhere and in every culture and time.  "Teachers of the law" were threatened by Jesus.  Instead of looking at the majorily marvelous miracles He was doing, they were critical and looked at the law.  This is Legalism at it's best.  Legalism occurs when the ritual is more important than who it glorifies.  Jesus healed a paralyzed man and the faith of his friends was rewarded...they were the ones who lowered the paralyzed man down through the roof.....you don't see the paralyzed man asking his friends to do it.  Did you catch the hint of the supernatural in verse 8 were it says, Immediately Jesus knew in his spirit what they were thinking in their hearts....."   Remember, God knows everything.  You can keep nothing hidden from Him.

Jesus addresses fasting.....the Pharisees were fasting twice in a week so that people would see how "religious" they were.  It was not so that God's will would be more apparent to them.  Jesus calls them out on it.

The chapter concludes with the Pharisees accusing Jesus of breaking the law when his disciples pick wheat (remember in the book of Ruth how it was the law to leave some of the harvest so that the poor people could "glean").   The actual law was that crops could not be harvested on the Sabbath.....I don't believe Jesus was harvesting.....He even brought up when David and his men ate the consecrated bread that only the preists could eat.....Jesus pointed out how ridiculous the law was when applied this way and that was not the laws intent.  Sabbath laws are not more important than the Sabbath..

Mark is the author of this book.  He was not one of the original disciples and accompanied Paul on his first missionary journey.   Mark is all about Jesus preaching and leaves out the birth of Christ.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

John 2-4

Lots and lots in this reading.  Jesus performs His first miracle in Cana at the wedding feast by turning water into wine.  Major question:  who knew that Jesus did this?

Then, they go to the temple and you have a marketplace in Jesus' Father's house.   Jesus doesn't lose his temper, but He shows righteous indignation.  The temple was not meant for a marketplace.   People were selling "perfect" animals and telling the people that the sacrifices they brought weren't good enough (if the people could afford to bring them in the first place).  Jesus makes his "famous" comment that he would raise the temple again in 3 days.   Do you think He meant the brick and mortar?  No, this was a foreshadowing of His death and resurrection.  Most people just didn't "get it".

Chapter 3-Nicodemus comes to see Jesus in the night.  Why did he come in the night?  Hint:  what religious sect was he from?  This is where Jesus first talks about being "born again".  Everyone has a first birth from their mother.  But you must be born again with the Holy Spirit.  What does this mean to you?

One of the most critical verses in the Bible is John 3:16:

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.

This is a major Christian non-negotiable.   You have to believe.  This IS a SAVING issue.

John the Baptist baptises with water...this is a baptism that is for repentance.  He is paving the way for the One who really can save.  Jesus baptises with fire and the Holy Spirit......these are two very different things.

The Woman at the Well takes place in Samaria.  Samarians were hated.  These were older Jewish people that married outsiders and weren't claimed by either side.   Not only did God approach a woman, but He approached a Samarian to show that the Gospel was for everyone, not just the children of Abraham.  Jesus shows some "God like" characterstics....He knew how many husbands she had had and who she was living with at the moment.  What do you think she felt like after that?  Many Samaritans then believed.

Jesus proceded to  move on and heal an official's son when He was back in Cana in Galilee...this was the second miracle that Jesus performed.   Jesus didn't even have to be in the child's presence to heal him.  As soon as the words left His mouth, the child got better.   This miracle caused this household of Gentiles (not Jews) to believe.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Matthew 4, Luke 4-5, John 1: 15-51

I love the different accounts of the Gospels.....it was all real and perceived differently by each man.  One of my favorite parts is when Jesus preached in the synagogue.    The synagogues were places that were different than the temple.   10 families could come together and have a synagogue and traveling Rabbi's would stop and preach.   Jesus took advantage of this and stood up and fufilled the words that Isaiah had written.  Jesus' ministry is in full swing now.   I love the picture that Patricia selected for her blog:

Click here for reading
I have prayed to keep it short today.  So here it goes!
Matthew:  Many people totally grasp the reality of Jesus but struggle with the reality of the devil.  As if the devil might be a fictional character.    Please take away not only the realness of the devil but his character.  Not only was he the tempter, he knows what to tempt and how to do it.  He tempted with physical desire, possession,  power, and pride.  But what  was his back up plan…to use scripture.  Did you notice that? He quoted Psalms. Satan knows the Scriptures BETTER than I do.  The smallest twist in them and it’s called FALSE.   Please be very alert! 
Second, so what in the Old Testament Law applies to us?  Very Important if you are wanting to live according to His ways.  Here is how you know: If Jesus repeats it in the New Covenant, it is for US.  So you don’t have to get out a piece of paper or a clay tablet to jot them down let me tell you, Jesus came to fulfill the Law.  Fulfill means to “render into effect’ or ‘to expand’.  He came not to demolish the Law but to  expand on the Law, and as you read you will see them weaved throughout the Scriptures, like in Matthew 4:10…Jesus is quoting from the 10 Commandments already.
Did you look up, Psalm 91:11-12 to match Satan’s quote or Isaiah 9:1 matching Matthew 4:15
Luke:  The devil left until an “opportune time” (vs 13).  Guys, we know this.  Keep your guard up and our Sword ready!  Do you know what your Sword is?? 
Now for my favorite part!  Picture the Scene:  Jesus, on the Sabbath, goes into the synagogue  Verse 16, and opens the Old Testament Scriptures of Isaiah and reads Isaiah 61 ABOUT himself!

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me,
      because he has anointed me
      to preach good news to the poor.
   He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners
      and recovery of sight for the blind,
   to release the oppressed,
    to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”

Then he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant and sat down. The eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fastened on him, and he began by saying to them, “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.” Luke 4:18-21.
(I promise I will keep this short!..I will bullet my thoughts)
  • 4:28  They were furious BECAUSE the stories were of Gentile Healings.
  • 4:34 Even the Demons know of God’s Destruction and that He is the HOLY ONE of God
  • “Be quiet”.  Jesus has Ministry work to do first.
  • 4:42 In Galilee (Gentile area) and Judea (Jews), Jesus says why He is sent
 Luke 5…Good grief, we can brew a pot of cawfee and sit here all day.  I would if you would.  I am going to skip to 27 to spare you a long blog.  Jesus eats at a Sinner’s house.   (Levi is Matthew).  First, know it is rare for a Teacher or Rabbi to say Follow Me.   Usually they were so pompous that people had to earn a right to follow them.  Not Jesus way.  Anyway, this is a VERY special story for me because a friend in my life, Beth, came with a Christ Like heart when I was an atheist and friended me in the Buckle of the Bible Belt.  She loved me.  Prayed for me.  Yes, invited me to church (I said NO WAY ARE YOU GETTING ME IN A CULT) and she STILL was willing to let me have ”dinner” with her family.  Jesus comes for the Lost, so don’t turn your back when they ACT lost.  Beth didn’t and God used her to bring me to Him.
“It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”
 John: WOW. (I promise…short!) Take a moment to feel what you are reading.  You are reading the fulfillment of the Scriptures SO THAT was know this Jesus is THE Messiah.  Please flip back to Isiah 40.  And then in verse 29 we hear the words “The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the World”  After reading the Old Testament I am heartbroken that HE will be the Unblemished Lamb that will be put on the Brazen Altar to substitute our life.  The Lamb of God.  Born for that very purpose….a Sacrifice.
For those of you have read the Old Testament, take a minute to really soak in.  Everything we have read is now being fulfilled.  Jesus didn’t come to abolish the Law but to fulfill the Law.  We end the reading with a great vision Scripture “I tell you the truth, you shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.” This statement goes all the way back to Genesis 28, when Jacob had a vision of a ladder that shows a Way to Heaven.  Something can take us from this Earth to the Heavenly Heaven!  The JACOB’S LADDER is standing in front of them.  Jesus is that WAY.