Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.

Look what comes up from the depths of the sea.
After you read, feel free to make a comment or ask a question in the comment box. You can sign up as a follower on the right, or you can sign up by e-mail at the bottom if you would like to follow the whole year. You may also chose to simply read along and make no comments. Whatever you choose. If you fall behind, as most people will do, don't worry...the whole year is here and you can catch up at your own speed. I highly encourage you to stick with it, If you read the Bible, you are going to mine some real jewels and insights.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Revelation 19-22


Huge joy from the multitudes...everyone face down to the Lord...the angel tells John to write "Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!

Huge white horse is seen whose rider is Faithful and True..it is the King of King and Lord of Lords...At last!!!!!!  The beast is captured along with the false prophet and they are thrown alive into the fiery lake.  (Beth Moore made an observation that she bets this is when the Jews will say:  "See, now this is what we were waiting for!!)

The dragon is bound for 1000 years and then he will be set free for a short time....

We have the first resurrection...the believers had not worshiped the beast and they are going to reign with Christ for 1000 years.  These were the martyrs for Jesus' name.

Satan's doom is next...he is released and tries to recruit help to spread more evil....nope, it is off to the fiery lake AT LAST!!!!!

The dead are judged...the lost are judged here, not the saved.   There is no condemnation for a believer.  This group is thrown into the fiery lake.   There was no more time to change your mind, here.  No repentance = The End.

Everything is made new....us....creation....our emotions....our bodies.....
And now there is a new Heaven and a new Earth...the New Jerusalem comes down from Heaven and now God is going to live with man again.  Note:  God comes down to meet us!  This is just how it was in Eden, before the Fall...the foundations of the city are now the Apostles, which is the new covenant, not the old....the colors of the stones are like what the High Priest work on his breastplate to represent the 12 tribes.   This new city has no need of the sun or the moon, because that is Jesus and God .  The river of life will run through the city and the throne of God and Jesus will be in the city....the curse (of the land where there were thorns, back in Genesis) has been removed.

God gave John a glimpse of eternity to show us.  John says the Jesus is most certainly coming.  Revelation ends just as Genesis began...in paradise with evil gone forever.  This scary book has a true message of hope.

We have been on a journey for a year....I do so hope that this has opened up the characteristics of God to you.....To me, there is a whole lot more majesty to God....thunder and lightning are cool to me, now...I just love how God has taken us from the beginning of His book to the end...and pulled it all together in a way our little human minds can fathom.   We have the detail we need, and the mystery that God chooses to use.  It is all an evolving plan of salvation.  We have met some really cool, flawed human beings that are there to teach us....and the fact is:  God loves His children.  We have been chosen.  As believers we have eternal life NOW!!!  Let's not hog it.....let's share the news because our God is big enough!!!  Clearly, I am a lay person and not an ordained person, I just love God.  The Word of God is for everyone, and thank you for the honor of traveling through this blog and the Bible with me.

Revelation 12-18

This is major Spiritual Warfare.....the battle between good and evil has been going on forever.   For some reason God has allowed Satan to rule the earth, but it is all a part of the plan.   God is in control, will always be in control, and remains in control.

The woman in chapter 12 is God's faithful people, the twelve stars on her head are the 12 tribes of Israel...Satan tried to use Herod to kill the baby Jesus.  Satan has been trying to get Jesus forever, and now tries to get his children.  Verse 12 tells us that Satan is furious because he knows that his time is short...he will use whatever weakness we have to get us away from God if he can.  When Jesus was resurrected, the devil had a huge blow struck against him and he is stepping up his persecution to counterfeit anything that God does. Who is like the beast that comes out of the sea?  This is the counterfeit of Jesus...the beast that comes out of the earth is the counterfeit Holy Spirit.  If you get a mark of the beast, it is all over for you.  The mark can't be revoked.  Those of us that are believers already have a mark of God on us, and the beast can't mark us...he can toy with us and try to tempt us, but we are God's.

3 angels appear, one preaches the gospel to everyone, one tells us that Babylon has fallen, and one warns against worshiping the beast.  Then the earth is ripe and it is time for the harvest.....

Seven plagues are poured out....you remember that God used plagues in the Old Testament..these are judgments.

The final victory is where the great prostitute/Babylon is going down!  The whole message of Revelation, according to Beth Moore can be summed up with verse 14:  The will make war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will overcome them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings-and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers.

God's title of King of Kings now belongs to the son.  The evil earth system has been defeated.

Revelation 6-11

From Genesis to Revelation....all things have pointed to the second coming of Christ.  God allowed Daniel, Ezekiel, John, and Isaiah to see some things, but the mystery  remains.....God simply doesn't want us to know everything yet.

We have the opening of the seven seals.  Remember that the number 7 stands for perfection or completeness.  These scrolls are the first of three 7 part judgments.  The end of human history is coming in to play.  The four horses appear as the seals are opened...God is judging sin and rebellion.   The martyrs are eager for justice, but they are told to wait.

144,000 are sealed...many different interpretations exist for this number....just know that the faithful have been marked by God.  Notice the reverence....who can stand?  What will you do when you see Him?

The seventh seal is opened and there is silence in Heaven for a half an hour......amazing..

The seven trumpets begin to be sounded.  There is destruction for the non-believers.   Agony and torment are for the non-believers and to think, after these plagues, some still do not repent.   Do you remember the plagues of the Old Testament?  Do you think things are coming full circle?

John gets the little scroll and is told to eat it....remember Ezekiel eating a scroll?  

The two witnesses are by the Wailing Wall (did you know that the Wailing Wall is in Jerusalem and is the last known part of the temple?).  Some think these two are Moses and Elijah...Some think it is symbolic of the Old and New Testament together.

There is the sounding of the 7th trumpet and it signals the arrival of the King...there is no turning back now.....Woe to the non-believers....I simply cannot fathom who would not believe!!!!

God's temple in heaven is opened and there is the ark of the covenant....no shadowy pattern of what was here on earth...it is the real deal!!!!  Praise God!!!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Revelation 1-5

Many of you have just done the Beth Moore study on Revelation with me.   I encourage you to remain open with the interpretation and symbolism in this book.  There are many different views taken on this book of the Bible.   My position is that it only matters if it is a Saving Issue.....this is how I evaluate everything.  I don't think any of us have it completely right, and that is why there are multiple denominations.  I also think that you have to be open to Jesus Christ and how he chooses to fulfill his plan.   Specifically, the Jews missed Jesus Christ because they thought prophecy indicated that He would come as a King and not a servant.  Our Lord Jesus Christ can do anything He wants in anyway He chooses.  

I am going to borrow from Patricia for this entry, because she covers the churches and gives a nice description of the Kingdom Calendar

I am not sure what your “take-home” on this will be today but mine is the Greatness of Jesus.  I think my vision of him is as a “human or in his carnate” state.  Jesus is not a man, He is Lord.   Our vision of Him must not be what we see from movies on Easter but of the Mighty Warrior He is up in Heaven.    John writes this “unveiling” of who Jesus our Christ really is.
A reminder of His love and our Purpose are stated in 1:5
To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father
John is told in verse 19 to write: what you have seen, what is now, and what will take placelater.  John writes of his vision of Jesus starting in vs 13, Jesus is dressed in High Priest garments, holding the angels in his hand.  His hair is as white as snow, and  His eyes blaze with Holiness and the only thing Jesus speaks is the Word of God (sword).
We could spend 5 months on these 5 chapters, but sometimes the less I say the better.  Here are the 5 churches (which one describes your church or YOU)
  1. Ephesus: (Loveless), you are a hard worker, reject evil, persevere but have fallen out of love for Faith.  Jesus tells them to repent and do what you used to do for God.
  2. Smyrna: (Suffering for good)  Jesus comforts them with encouragement and for them to remain faithful for they will be given the crown!
  3. Pergamum (loves the world) You may love Christ and don’t deny him but tolerate other false religions “to each his own” mentality, and immorality in the world does not bother you.  He warns us to repent!
  4. Thytira (False Doctrine), Jesus warns them that they are a “deed based” faith (MANY are)  and you also tolerate other religions and worship idols and can be immoral.  He warns Judgement is coming, so repent.
  5. Sardis (a restaurant in NY, how ironic) ( Spiritually dead)  a group or church that is spiritually dead and Jesus warns to wake up to the few that remain so they will  not be blotted from the book of life.
  6. Philadelphia (Spiritually Alive) they have kept God’s word! And they will be rewarded in Heaven.
  7. Laodicea (lukewarm, complacent).  You are neither hot nor cold for Jesus and your Faith, and Jesus would rather you be one or the other!  He warns, turn from your indifference or you may never see eternity.
Please know that there are soooo many views on the end of times but in 1 Thessalonians the Greek word for Rapture was used so, I believe in a Rapture of the Church.  I believe in a literal Revelation and ALL of this book will come true Word for Word. (But I am truly ok if you take a different view( as many do)  I believe that God first revealed himself to Israel, then to the Gentiles (Church) and then the Rapture will occur when CHrist will come and take believers before the tribulation occurs (Chapter 4).  The Great Tribulation is a time when severe calamities will occur and people who come to know Christ then will still suffer greatly.  Then the second coming of Christ will occur on earth and He will reign for what is called the Millenium here on earth and then finally there is a Final Judgment when the earth will cease to exist.
Chapter 4 speaks in vision and if you remember Ezekiel this lines up exact!  What all of it means I really don’t know and I think it is dangerous to think we can “figure” it all out.  Some scholars have represented the 24 elders and the uniting of the Old Testament and the New Testament with the 12 Tribes and the 12 chosen Disciples. 
The four creatures  may represent the four attributes of Jesus
  • Lion is Power
  • Ox is faithfulness
  • Man is intelligent
  • Eagle is Sovereignty.
But I also think it might me
  • Lion is KING!
  • Ox as a SACRIFICE
  • Man as The Christ (Perfect)  Man
  • Eagle as Sovereign and Supreme
So now we begin to read of the End Times and what it will be like.  There is a scroll with seven seals that only Jesus is worthy of opening.  Note the constant comparison between Lion and Lamb.  He is The King of Kings yet He was willing to take our place against sin as a Sacrifice to overcome satan’s grip on us.  So tomorrow we will jump into the 7 years of tribulation, the seven seals broken…
If you want to prepare for what you about to read so that none of this comes as a shock take a few Minutes to read Matthew 24 again.  Jesus has already told us the story and warning of his unveiling.

2-3 John

John pens two letters...they are short because he wants to "visit" in person.  The major point of these letters is to watch out for false prophets....they distort Jesus' whole being and purpose.   This is why it is so important to go to the Bible and test all doctrine by it.   John loves Gaius who is doing the right thing and showing hospitality to those that spread the Gospel.  This gives us a lot of insight into the beginning of the new church.  We are not to preach solely for money...that cannot be the basis for what we do...God provides in tithes and hospitality.   Are we taking care of our staff?  How so?  My personal opinion is that Brother Alan is most certainly called by God.

John mentions a church dictator by name......do you see church dictators in our church life?   One measurement is to look at the Law and look at the new Covenant.  The new Covenant is for EVERYONE who believes.  Everyone has an equal chance at eternal life by their faith.  We are to show love, the action, to all as examples of Jesus Christ.  John does say that we should not show hospitality to false prophets.  He wants to make sure that we leave no door open for the devil to creep in.

Monday, December 26, 2011

1 John

John is now an old man.    Tradition says that he was the youngest disciple, so we have John as an eye witness to first and second generation Christians.  They were trying to muddy the waters with false teaching.  You remember Gnosticim:  all matter is evil....you only got to know God by some secret knowledge.   Or there was Docetism which said that Jesus was just a spirit, and not a man....people were having trouble believing that Jesus was both God and man.    This is why you need knowledge of the Bible....you have the book...you have the eyewitnesses of what your Lord God is...He loves us.  In fact, as 1 John says:  God IS love.  He came for everyone to buy us back from the power of sin.  We must have faith in the Son of God to have eternal life.  The thing is:  It is for EVERYONE....our lives should give evidence of our faith.....we are to love our brothers...remember, this is a choice, not a feeling (shoot, that helps me some time!).  God wants to be in fellowship with His children because He loves them.  We are not to be of the world...the devil is in charge of the world and all our temptations are there.  We do have the Holy Spirit in us that helps us overcome.  He is our deposit of eternal life.  We are His children.

The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

2 Peter; Jude

and a Very Merry Christmas to all!    Can you believe that we have one week left of readings and we will have read through the whole Bible???  God will bless your endurance in getting to know Him.

My study Bible says that the book of 2 Peter was the last book admitted to the canon of the New Testament Scripture because the date and destination and the authorship have been disputed.  There are major similarities to this book and Jude.  This is considered to have been written 3 years after 1 Peter, possibly from Rome.  Peter knew that his time on earth was limited (1:13, 14), so he wrote what was on his heart:  especially the presence of false teachers.  The Gospel is never going to change, so we need to measure all teachings to it.  When we get to the point where the message of the Gospel is overtaken by teachers who are just in it for the money, we need to take issue.  The Gospel is not for people to get monetarily rich....we get rich with the Spiritual blessings and the major gift of eternal life.  Peter reminds us in 1:20 that Above all you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet's own interpretation.  For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

Jesus is patient:  3:9 tells us  He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

Jude was Jesus' brother, just like James was.  They were step brothers of course, with Joseph as Jude and James father and God as Jesus'!  Jude also reminded the church of the need of constant vigilance....sometimes it is hard to keep the faith when we feel persecution and opposition, but we are called to it!  Jude gives us Old Testament examples of those who refused to listen.    I love this from my study Bible:  Those who refuse to learn correct doctrine are susceptible to false teaching because they are not fully grounded in God's truth....this is a further blessing for us reading through the Bible!!!   We are called to persevere....things are going to get worse with apostasy (turning against God), and since we know this is going to happen, we can be warned and arm ourselves.    We have the Holy Spirit...he is the deposit in us, and the promise of eternal life!!  There is no greater gift as we celebrate the birth of the child today....

Friday, December 23, 2011

2 Timothy

So, how would you feel if you knew you were writing your very last words?  Paul was in a Roman jail awaiting execution.   Tradition says that Emperor Nero was blaming the Christians for his burning of Rome.....Paul was suffering undeserved blame, yet he was continuing to share the Gospel..in fact, this great apostle (messenger) was passing the torch....Paul knew his life was almost over.  He was proud of the race that he had run.  Previous letters tell us that he did not fear death.   I wish that I was more like that.    I think I am more afraid of the unknown.    What do you think about death?     Death, the final enemy was defeated when Christ rose from the dead, Scripture tells us.....we have eternal life

I love the verse 1:7

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self discipline....this was because people were opposed to Timothy's message and his leadership.

Paul want the people to be reminded that quarreling doesn't help....we are not to quarrel over doctrine....that alienates people...this is not the love of the gospel....

Do your best to present yourself to god as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.  You KNOW what the word of truth is....Paul lists people that have wandered away from the truth and/or abandoned Paul.

Paul points out that there will be Godlessness in the Last Days.....Jesus Christ started this period of "The Last Days"....we are experiencing some of this now....and this is why we need to know what is in the Bible so that we know when people are not preaching Truth.

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness so  that man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.     It is for our own good that we know Scripture, not necessarily to quote it, but to be able to find it.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Hebrews 11-13

Chapter 11 is called the Hall of Faith....what is faith?

Being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.......look at all the ties to the Old Testament.  You read about all of these people and they never saw the promise fulfilled in their lifetime, yet they believed.  Without faith it is impossible to please God.  Count the number of times it says "By faith...."  These promises are for US, too.  Eternal life...thank you, Jesus.....

We should not fear discipline....God is the father and He disciplines His sons to keep them on the right track.  No one likes discipline.  But our loving father gives it too us so that we will ultimately have peace.

Apostasy is refusing God.  Check out the warning against refusing God....if the wandering Jews refused God and were not allowed into the Promised Land, why would we think that we could get away with refusing God? It is much better to learn from their mistakes than to do it ourselves.   Eventually, this world will go away and their will be a New Heaven and a New Earth.....in other words, at some point it is going to be too late and you have to live with your choice.

We are to love each other and keep the marriage bed pure.  We are not to love money..

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever....the promises He makes hold true forever.  He is never going to leave us or forsake us.  What does that mean to you?

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Hebrews 7-10

So, what did you think about the foreshadowing of our old friend Mel, Prince of Salem?  Do you think he was Jesus pre-incarnate?    This stuff facinates me!  God is beginning to tie up the Bible with a bow...all the Old Testament was pointing to Jesus....then what?

Some clung to God and refused to accept Jesus.   Some were being persecuted and wondered if this Jesus stuff was worth it all.  There is clear proof in these chapters that the New Covenant is better than the Old.  We don't need animal sacrifice anymore.   Jesus is our High Priest and we can approach God's throne boldly ON OUR OWN!  Jesus is more important than angels and more important than Moses. The old tabernacle of the Old Testament was a pattern.....God gave Moses specific instructions on how to build it and it is a shadow of the tabernacle in Heaven......Again, it is all pointing to Jesus!!!!   Jesus ransomed us from Sin.....this means he paid a ransom for us so that the ultimate end is NOT death.  We can have eternal life....death is just a door to something else.   If you don't believe in Jesus, death is the end.  Are you going to let all of Jesus' work be in vain????  He loves YOU!  He died for YOU!  Do we really understand the depth of all this??????

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Hebrews 1-6

I think that Hebrews is probably my favorite book in the Bible.  We really don't know who the author of the book is.  It is addressed to a group of Christian Jews who were probably persecuted both from the Jews and the Romans.  They needed to be reassured that this "Christ-thing" was true.  Many of them were comfortable in the Jewish faith and all of its traditions.  The main point is that Jesus was the fulfillment of all that tradition.  I'm going to copy Tricia's blog today, because she does a really good job in pulling in the arguments that Jesus was greater than angels, Moses and the priesthood.   Point to consider:  Jesus is a whole new order of things.  He is not of the Levi tribe.  The new order is superior to the old.

This is not an easy read today.  This part of the reading is about the Deity of Christ. Deity means Holy, Sacred, Divine.  Christ is above all.  Through false teaching or past wives tales and traditions have grown and very much worshipped.  The main argument of this letter is that Christ is the fulfillment of the Law of Moses (Mosaic Law).  He is greater than:
  1. The Angels who the Law was given
  2. Moses the Law giver to the people
  3. The Levitical Priesthood, who the law was administered
Remember this book was written mainly at the time to Jewish converts that were struggling in their Faith.  First, the writer is going to recount in his own words some past scriptures from Psalms and Isaiah.  Angels are very much a part of our history as well as our future but what are they?  Angels are instruments that God uses for His purposes to reach us.  For example an angel can be a messenger  with a Word for us right here on earth (so watch what you say to the stranger next to you…you never know).  Angels are our protectors.  If God is Almighty,  then why do we need Angels to look after us, right?? They are the instruments that God uses to intervene.  Example, I knew a baby that was thrown from her car and not a scratch was on her and people said “an angel protected her”, well yes I believe that but really the Lord just used the angel to protect her…so let’s always look to the top.  We must stay focused on Christ.  Through Jewish history angels played a huge part in the giving of the law (Moses even had lunch with them) so Jews were exalting them wrongly.
Moses, if you know nothing about Jewish Culture know this, Moses is the religious leader of their faith, their Prophet, and the divine author of the first 5 books of the Bible called the Torah.  He was their Leader and Hero! He led them out of slavery and brought them to the cusp of the promise land. Well, technically he was just an instrument God used.
Priest.  Many of you joined us at the NT so let me do a quick recap. 
Jacob was renamed Israel by God.  Jacob/Israel had 12 sons forming the 12 tribes of Israel, one of the Tribes was from the son Levi.  So they are called the Levites and the book LEVIticus is about that very tribe and their role.  To make a long story short, the Levites were the line of the Priests and their Job was to take care of the Tabernacle (like a portable temple), the Ark of the Covenant (where God communed) and eventually the Temples (when one was standing, there were 3 total in history).  Anyway, Moses brother Aaron became the first HIGH PRIEST and then that got past generational. (Until the time of Christ when Romans took the role of appointing who they wanted as high priest.  Anyway, the role of the High Priest was to enter the Temple and make sacrifices for atonement of our sins.  Once a year (the day of Atonement) they would actually go beyond the veil and make a complete atonement for all our sins through a sacrifice.  WELLLLLLL, what is the Shadow here?  Jesus Christ became the ultimate high Priest making the Atonement for ALL.  That is when the veil tore allowing all of us to  be a priesthood (as we read yesterday in 1 Peter). Does that all make sense, as to why Jesus is the High Priest?
Last, the topic of falling away from the Lord, or the Christian Word: Apostasy.  At the end of Chapter 5 the author talks about being more mature in the Word and learning it for yourselves and not being fed by others.  But learning and the Bible and using it to discern wrong from right, in life and teachings from the world or in our church. Then in Chapter 6, (I had to research this a lot because it didn’t ring in my hear the way it is in my heart BUT what it is saying is that just because you have corporately worshipped and done some “Christian Stuff”, if you fall away from the Lord, then you were never really a Christian to begin with.  See the theme of this book is people who tried being a Christian and were thinking of going back to what they had before, wasn’t working for them.  (If there is no fruit….well then no vine) Anyway, I have rambled enough.
Tomorrow something fun…WHO IS MELCHIZEDEK??  It goes all the way back to Genesis 14.  Did Jesus make a Cameo appearance in Genesis.  I wonder how many times Jesus did this  throughout History and we don’t have a clue.

13 responses to this post.

  1. Dear Patricia,
    It is very interesting to read your post from a faith angle and your devotion is laudable. However, have you also thought about others who also hold Jesus in high esteem, albeit in a way different way?
    In this regard, I’d like to know your thoughts on a very interesting video which you may or may not find controversial? Please have a look athttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9Yj8o9NYcQ and given your interest, let me know how you would regard expressions on Jesus such as this particular one?
    Best wishes and seasons greetings.
  2. Good Morning Kasshif. I am so glad you took the time to read the reading today. I have not had a chance to watch your video yet so I can only comment on your comment back.
    I believe that Jesus can only be viewed as one way. The Messiah. I do not believe he is just Praiseworthy, I believe he is Lord of All. I believe Jesus was the fulfillment of the entire Old Testament and I believe in His Resurrection. I believe that on the Cross He conquered Satan’s death and I believe He will come again and conquer Satan Himself.
    I have not read the Quran, I only know different views on the Christ through Study and Research Books.
    Again, I am so glad you took the time to write this morning and I would love for you to continue with us for the rest of the year. We will finish out the last 2 weeks strong and I pray that you join us. The readings are in the SCHEDULE Tab…just press the Day if you do not have a Bible.
  3. Thank you for the reply Patricia,
    But I have come across people, all who claim that there is one Jesus, yet when asked about who he is, they say different things. The video I referred to you was also quoting the same Bible, as you did and the conclusions were different, so how do you respond to that, given the same book is being quoted?
  4. Before we continue, I would like to know the purpose, your purpose in this conversation. What is your goal? What are you seeking? I get emails everyday about “Everyone’s Faith is personal to them”, “Everyone’s walk is different”….and that is exactly what the New Testament warns us about. Sanctification may be personal and different but Salvation is not. We all come to be saved One way. Through the substitution death and resurrection of the Messiah. The Letters in the Bible are the exact warning of such videos, being divisive of how or whether it is “son of Mary” “son of Man”, or how many time it says….
    I was a non believer for 33 years and I think I could do a good job arguing against Christianity myself. It was Scriptural for it NOT to make sense to me. But the video centered on the birth, death, prophet, message…and nowhere did it let the Scriptures interpret one another. It compared the Quran to the Word of God, and to be kind…that will not work. Jesus is God Himself in a flesh body so that he would fulfill the Scriptures and the Words of Moses Himself. Man could not be the substitutionary death, for no one could be sinless, so God had to do it Himself.
    I am going to work, I pray that you will read the full Plan of Salvation, Genesis to Revelation so that ALL the pieces fit together for you so that you will know who Jesus is from God’s lens, not man’s.
  5. One of the Scriptures that God revealed to me this year is Hebrews 1:14 “Are not all angels ministering spirits (lower case) sent to serve those who will inherit salvation”. The angels will serve us…How much do you love the Lord that He loves us so much that He will have the angles serve us!They will Worship Him, but serve us!
  6. ….also Scripture 2:4. I often wish I had different gifts but God in His Perfectness Has all things at account and “distributed according to His Will”
  7. Posted by Tedi on December 21, 2010 at 1:16 pm
    I’ve had a few ‘angel’ experiences in my lifetime, all of which were showing me Go’s protection. One in paticular I want to share.
    One night, very late, I was awakened out of my sleep, with a ‘pop sound’ and a ‘flash of light.’ I got out of bed and saw that my youngest daughter (then 18) was not home yet. I immediately prayed that God would bring her home safely.
    A little while later, my daughter came in to my bedroom and woke me, telling me that her car had broken down on I65N and she just had time to pull over to the side of the road. I asked her what happened and she said, “There was a ‘pop’ sound and a ‘flash of light’ and then it just dies. I looked at her and told her about my experience and she told me that a man pulled up behind her. He had a badge and told her he was a lawman and that he would take her directly home. She said, “Mother, I decided I had to believe him and he did bring me straight home.” I told her that he was an angel sent from God to protect her that night. And, to this day, I believe that’s exactly who he was. I praise God that His hand of protection was upon her that night.
    I also want to say a word to, Kasshif. I too am pleased that you are reading along with us and I encourage you to continue.
  8. Posted by brittany on December 21, 2010 at 4:45 pm
    yes that is awesome Kasshif!!
  9. Posted by brittany on December 21, 2010 at 4:46 pm
    i meant awesome of you to read along with us! :)
  10. Posted by peggy on December 21, 2010 at 9:49 pm
    Mark 12:32 There is one God; and there is none other but he.
    ( I know Him well. He saved me. and before that my life. More than once! )
  11. Posted by Erica on December 22, 2010 at 12:02 am
    A few years ago I went head first into a windshield of an SUV. My head made a huge bulge in the glass and cracked it in pieces but didnt break thru completely. We broke a telephone pole in half. I walked out of the car completely unharmed.
    I realize now that I was not saved at that time. I praise God that he protected me (or used an angel to protect me) and allowed me to live long enough to believe in Jesus as my savior.
    It really freaked me out to see the crashed car, windshield with my head shape in it (it even had chunks of my hair in it. I know that’s gross) and telephone pole laying on the car. I knew I could have died. Now I’m not afraid of death! Of course I’d rather go peacefully but no matter how it happens I’m ready and I know that I’ll spend eternity in the Lord’s presence. I can not wait to get to heaven!
  12. Posted by Erica on December 22, 2010 at 12:04 am
    Oh I forgot to put that I was in the back seat which makes it more amazing that I flew into the windshield and wasn’t hurt.
  13. Posted by Penny on December 22, 2010 at 10:03 am
    Great story, Erica. I’m personally thankful that God saved you in that crash. You too, Peggy.
    Tedi, that’s an amazing story that shows how God works miracles.
    Hebrews is so wonderful. I know I’ve typed this before, but I have to type it again. Hebrews is one of my favorites. It’s like a biography of Jesus. It’s all about HIM.

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Monday, December 19, 2011

1 Peter

You all remember Peter don't you?  Denied the Lord 3 times.   First to recognize that Jesus was the Messiah..."the rock"....

We have gotten used to Paul's authorship, so here is a little change.  Peter writes this to encourage Christians.  Peter was probably in Rome when Nero became the Emperor.  Nero was quite horrible.   He tortured Christians for sport.  He was known for killing his own mother.  He was credited for burning Rome in a great fire, but he tortured Christians into admitting they did it.   Persecution was continuing as Rome was being rid of Christians who wouldn't bow down.  We have no idea of the persecution that was running rampant since we have freedom of religion in this culture....do you think we are passive as a result?  In the first century, these Christians probably had persecution from the Romans, Jews and their own families.  Remember that Saul/Paul was one of the Jewish persecutors of Christians.   And under Roman law, the head of the household had absolute authority over its members.  If he wasn't Christian, they could be beaten and have no standing with the law.

Peter points out that Christians were chosen by God...our hope is in the Living Christ...he overcame death for us.  Peter talks about suffering, and points out that suffering is to refine our faith.  We are to be set apart (Holy).

Peter talks about Christ being the cornerstone of the church.  We as Christians are individual stones in that body..... Christ caused many to stumble when they did not accept him.  Submission is to be mutual...we are ambassadors of Christ .  We are to cooperate voluntarily with someone else out of love and respect for that person.  It is our CALLING to be kind to our enemies (OUCH)...

A nice note I like:
Peter developed the qualities of compassion and humility the hard way.  In his early days with Christ, these attitudes did not come naturally to his impulsive, strong-willed personality......It was a process, so be encouraged!

Two of my favorite verses are in Chapter 5
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

Be self -controlled and alert.  Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.....
we are not alone!  Lions attack sick, young, or struggling animals....don't cut yourself off from those that can help you...

Sunday, December 18, 2011


Titus is a contemporary of Timothy.  Titus was a young preacher that would pastor on the island of Crete.  He would also be challenged by the same type of false prophets that Timothy had been challenged by.  Titus was a Greek believer and was loved and trusted by Paul.  This letter was to help Timothy grow into proper leadership in his own church.  The island of Crete was a culture of self indulgence...discipline was not rewarded or respected by society.  Do you see any similarities today?

Paul talked about living a good life.....as my study Bible puts it, Our service won't save us, but we are saved to serve.

Character was very important....just being educated or to have a following isn't enough.  Who you are is as important as what you do.

Church relationships were also important...teaching must relate to various groups.  Crete had all sorts of Christians coming together and this could be a source of conflict if not handled correctly.  Different generations were also important.   The role of Father in a Greek church was only a functional role, it was not a nurturing role...many young men were living in families where fathers had neglected responsibilities to their wife and children.  Do you see any of that happening today?

Citizenship was the last major theme in this letter....you should be the same in your community as you are in your church.

1 Timothy

Paul wrote this letter to Timothy after he got out of prison.  He writes "pastoral" letters to Timothy and Titus.  Timothy is one of the first "second" generation Christians.  His mother Eunice and grandmother Lois were Jewish believers that shaped him.  See the influence we can have with God's help...Emperor Nero is shortly going to begin his campaign to eliminate Christianity....Paul knows that there will be false teachers in the church and he teaches Timothy how to be prepared and how a church should be organized.

These false teachers wanted power and prestige.   Genuine Christian teachers don't (shouldn't) care about the prestige and are motivated to do what Christ teaches is right.  These false teachers didn't understand the Law's purpose.  It was more than just commands where people could compete and see who could obey the best...it was to show unbelievers their sin and bring them to God. He came to offer salvation...no sinner is beyond this saving power.

So, what did you think about Paul's teaching about women?   Did the devil whisper in your ear that Paul was a male chauvinist (sp?) pig?    Ha!  Paul was actually talking specifically about the Ephesian women.  He actually wanted MORE for women.   The Ephesian women were just learning about Jesus/God.   In Jewish tradition women could not learn; their job was to raise the family and lots of children were the blessing.   Paul wanted to make sure that teachers had enough Biblical knowledge that they could discern the truth....particularly since there were false teachers around trying to get some prestige.   Paul didn't forbid women from ever teaching....thing about Priscilla who taught Apollos.  By all means train the women to teach.

Paul teaches about leaders....and then moves to widows.   Apparently, there was a list of widows that you could sign up for if you were over 60.  Apparently you agreed to do service for the church.   Paul advised against young widows being on this list, because he didn't want them to be lazy and lose purpose and direction toward Christ.  He wanted the church to take care of those that really had no resources such as family.

Paul talks about the love of money...what did you think?

One really cool thing for those of us that studied Revelation already...note that God's title in 6: 15 is King of kings and Lord of lords.....who is going to inherit that title based on reading Revelation?

So Paul encourages young Timothy.   Timothy had to be discouraged as a young man with all these challenges, because everyone knows that running a church is really easy.  Ha...just wanted to see if you read this far.....